Chapter 9

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The boys have give me a day off today because they said that they was proud of my progress and that I have been working hard.
I ring my bestfriend, Charlotte, and ask her if she wants to go out for a bit and she agrees. She comes round to my house 15 minutes after.
"How's everything going?" She asks me as she plops down on the couch.
"Alright I guess what about you?" I ask lying on the floor.
"I'm decent! Everything with Pete is going fab and im sorry about not coming seeing you but Pete took me away as you know! I want all the gossip about working with the boys please." She says. We haven't seen each other for a few week because he boyfriend, Pete, took her to America. He's alright sometimes. She always really interested with what happens with the boys.
"Everything is great as per. Ashley got me into learning a routine so then I can go on tour with them. Its quite fun actually. Its like a duet thing but with everyone. I'm doing a apprenticeship for the boys like working backstage so I don't really need to do the dance coz I'm going on tour anyway. Oh yeah and I'm going out later on a date with Perri." I tell her, mentally high fiving myself because of the good summery I had give.
"Hold up! A date? With Perri? Tonight? Why didn't you tell me!" She literally shouts in my face. I just shrug at her and she rolls her eyes.
"You can just wear that dress I got you for your birthday." Charl says, planning me outfit without consoling me at all. "Now, you go out the Fluff and the Ice Cream and i will go and get some films. I want all the details of how you and Pel got to this stage." We both run off in different directions.
We both return to the couch near enough at the same time.
"From the top!" She shouts at me, handing me my chocolate ice cream. I tell her everything from how it has always been a baby crush to now.
"Omfg! Im so happy! You have to wear that dress I bought you! Its made for a first date!" She says, getting more excited than what I am.
"It sounds weird when you say that." I say. Its an actual date. Just then my number buzzes.

"Don't wear anything you don't wanna get muddy. I'll pick you up at 5. X"

"Well I can't wear that dress!" I say to Charl and she just sulks.
"Well, I'm picking your outfit!" She shouts, dragging my upstairs. We run upstairs and she goes straight to my wardrobe.
"So you want casual but something to make you look pretty." She says, thinking out loud.
"What you saying?" I say.
"Well look at the state of you!" She says. I kick her in the back of the leg so she collapses.
About an hour later, 4 o clock to be accurate, she finally decides what I am going to wear. My skinny black jeans, a white lace top, black caridgen and some black doll shoes. She then does my make up so it looks natural but can tell I am wearing but not in your face sort of thing and my hair is my natural waves. By the time she has finished its quarter to five.
"I'm such a good friend! You look so much better! I'm gonna go! I. Want. Details." She says, pausing for what she thinks is dramatic effect. I laugh at her and see her out of the door. I start to wonder why no one is home yet so I text my mum.
"Mother, why is no one home yet? Xx"
She replys a few minutes later.
"Sorry darl, I forgot to tell you, I'm at your Nans, Jordan and Ashley have gone getting the shopping for me. Xx"
Mum then rings me just as Perri turns up so I tell her that I'm going out.
I walk out of the house and towards to car just as he is getting out.
"I'm loving the outfit choice girl!" Perri says, trying to be American. I can't help but laugh because his accent is awful.
"No but seriously, you look stunning. Give us a twirl!" He grabs mg hand and makes me spin around. After I have twirled, he pulled me into his side for a hug and then walked back to the car.
"C'mon! We have a date to get to!" Perri shouts once we are in the car. He turns some music one and instantly, Disney songs come on.
"Absolute legend!" I shout to Perri when the songs first come on. He just sits there and laughs at me.
We arrive at the place around 45 minutes later. We are in this massive feild and there is serval hundred cars around.
"What's going on? Why we here?" I ask him, not quite sure what to expect.
"Well, you see them trees behind us?" I nod my head. "There's a massive fair behind there. You just can't see it coz of the trees." He explains.
"C'mon! Let's go!" I shout to him, leaping out of the car. I love going to fairs and places like this because they are always so much fun.
"Jordan told me that you loved going to fairs so I searched for the closest one and here it is!" Perri says, taking my hand in his as we walk towards the entrance. Once we are inside, I didn't know were to look. Something was happening everywhere. Bright colours, rides, happy people. Just everything.
"Where you wanna go first b?" Perri says, as we walk slowly around, trying to take everything in. I suddenly spot a set of swings which I used go love as a child.
"Oh my gosh! Them!" I shout, dragging Perri over to them. There is two seated ones and it swings you around making you tilt. We get on the two seated one.
"I best not feel sick after this!" Perri says as we are waiting for the ride to start.
"It only spins. It really cute to be honest." I say. Just then the ride starts.
After we had been on a few rides, Perri wanted some candy floss. We walk towards the snack stand and get some.
"Here." Perri says, ripping of some for me.
"So, you had a good time?" He asks, as we sit down.
"I've loved it. Thank you for bringing me here." I reply, leaning into his side for a hug. He kisses the top of my head and we sit there talking about anything for the next half an hour.
"Wanna go?" Perri asks and nod my head feeling a little tired. "C'mon then." He grabs my hand and wraps his arm around me.
When we get back to the car, Perri hands me his jacket so then I can wrap myself up with it. It smells amazing and its massive on me.
It only takes us around 15 minutes to get home because there was no taffric anyway. Perri walls me to my door.
"Thank you so much for tonight. I've had the best time." I say to him when we are standing in my door way. I start to take his jacket off but he stops me.
"Keep it, it looks better on you any way. Its been my pleasure tonight. I just hope we can do it again?" He says, looking down at the floor.
"Of course we can." I say to him. He pulls me into him for a massive hug and I feel so at home being in his arms.
"I best let you go before you fall asleep on me." He laughs.
"That was my plan." I say to him, pulling him back tighter. He kisses the top of my head and lifts me chin up to look at him.
"You're so cute when you're tired. Go to bed b. I'll see you tomorrow." He says, kissing my forehead. I watch him walk back to his car. He waves and winks before he drives away and then I go inside. I instantly get bombarded with questions of Jordan and Ashley of what happened but I just walk past them and go to sleep on the couch.
I wake up late in the night because I needed the loo. Jord&Ash must have gotten me changed I think to myself. I lean over to check my phone to see the time and its half 2 in the morning. I also have a message if Perri.

"You look beautiful tonight. I hope I can take you out more. Goodnight b x"

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not uploading but I've been really stressed out over my exams at school and that! Hope you like this one! Please let me know in the comments!

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