Chapter 8

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I wake up early the next day because Ashley wants to get at least half of the dance nailed. By the time I am up and changed, Jordan and Ashley are stood by the door waiting for me.
"I need breakfast." I say, trying to avoid going because I just want to sleep. Who knew there was two 7 o clocks in a day. Jord throws me a banana and I death look him.
"Eat in it in the car." Ashley says near enough dragging me out if the door.
"What's with the rush?" I ask when we arrive at the studio.
"I told the boys that I would be there at half past so I wanna be early." Ashley says.
"Why couldn't you have just left me and then I come later on?" I say, walking through the studio trying to catch up with Jordan and Ashley.
"I want to do the dance so it's happening now." Ashley says, walking into the big room were everyone is already there. I continue to follow Ashley.
"I clearly need my beauty sleep. Have you seen my face? Its horrible. I need beauty sleep to at least try to make me look a tiny but pretty." I say as everyone goes quiet.
"I hate you have no confidence in yourself. You're stunning. End of." Jordan says.
"Whatever." I say, and start doing my warm up which is lying on the floor and stretching out as far as possible.
"Honestly Boo, you are." Sam says from the back and Mitch and Terry nod their heads.
"Guys, you all kinda need to say things like that because you have all seen me grow up so you have to." I say.
"Sadie, you are stunning. I can't pick a flaw on you, alright? And anyone who tells you other wise, I'll kill 'em." Ashley says, coming over giving me a hug because he could tell I was getting upset. He kisses my head and then tells me its back to dancing.
We do the first run through of the dance and its quite hard because Perri hadnt turned up yet. Just at that moment, Perri walked through the door.
"I'm so sorry Ash!" Perri shouts walking through the door, looking really fed up and annoyed.
"Its alright matey. Just do a quick warm up." Ashley says. Perri quickly does a warm up and comes and stands with me.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late and that I couldn't do the dance." Perri sags, gasping for breathe after we had done the run with him.
"Its fine! You look really on egde and annoyed and upset. You alright?" I ask him, putting my hand on his arm.
"Yeah I'm fine." He asks, avoiding all eye contact.
"I know you're lying but I don't wanna pressure you." I say, rubbing his arm trying help him feel better and to know that I'm here for him.
"I just need a hug please." He says, looking at me with a little smile on his face. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me for a hug.
"I'm always here if you need me." I say, kissing his cheek.
"Thank you. Its means a lot." Perri says, pulling me into him more.
"C'mon you two! The tutting section is next!" Ike shouts at us. We both walk back over to everyone and I stand in between Sam and Ash.
The tutting section was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I know it was going to be hard because of the speed but remembering the moves was so hard for me. Every time we went to do a run through, I had messed up within the first 10 seconds.
Ashley said that he thought it was a good ides to add the this new on the end of the routine to see how I do it then. Turns out, it went a lot better than I thought it would be. I still made a few mistakes but at least I know were to work on.
"Boo, we can just leave it at that if you want." Sam tells me because he has been working with me on the tutting to make sure I get it right.
"Yeah, you go upstairs and then we all can rehearse our dance." Jordan shouts to me. I just nod and then run up the steps to watch TV. Surprisingly, Kardashians arent on so I'm stuck with The Big Bang Theory. Its alright because I also love this programme so I'm quite happy. After four episodes of the programme had been on, the boys started to come up.
"Want some food sweet?" Mitch says when walking towards me.
"Yeah sure." Mitch hands me a plate which had a chicken burger and a few chips. I say thank you to him. Perri runs up, jumps over the bean bag, sits next to me and then steals a chip. I slap him in the arm.
"My food." I say, moving my plate away from him.
"I see youre now watching some better programmes now." He says laughibg and throwing his arm around me.
"So, about tonight.." Perri start off. "I can't take you out because of a problem that has happened at home but I pinkie promise with a strawberry that I will take you out tomorrow if you want to." I'm not going to lie, im a little upset because ei was really looking forward it.
"Its okay! Its can be more of an excuse to stay out longer!" I say to him, nudging him and winking.
"Good point! It shall happen!" We are both laughing.
"I'm also expecting the strawberry." I say to him in my serious voice.
"Chocolate?" He says, looking at me and I want to melt.
"You just know the way to me heart!" I say, lying across him.
"Then I shall get what the last wants!" He laughs gently and I get the butterflies really badly.
"Right I'm off!" Perri shouts to everyone. He goes round to everyone doing that hug thing they do and then comes back to me.
"I shall text you. I'll see you tomorrow beautiful lady." He says as he pulls me into him and kisses my forehead.
"See you tomorrow." I whisper back to him. I have never felt more comftable in anyone's arms before.
Just after Perri leaves, everyone ends up going home anyway. By the time I get home, its around half past 10 so I go to straight to bed. I have been checking my phone a lot to see if Perri had texted me but he hasnt yet. I plug my phone into charge and roll over when it goes off.
'I'm sorry for leaving suddenly before and cancelling tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow will be extra special. Good night, can't wait to have your pretty face to myself for a hours tomorrow x'

I'm so sorry for not updating! I've been so busy! Comment again pleas what you are enjoying because I don't feel like there is anyone enjoying it anymore! Thank you for those who are still reading!

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