Sneak Peek of a Character of a sequel

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Meet Candy. 

For those who  have read my Alastor love story His Deal Her Heart they will know there is a sequel coming out. I have put a date on this one to show this came out before I made the sequel. 

This is a sneak peek of the character.

Name: Candy Starborn

Sin: Lust.

Date of death: July 8, 1985

How she died: Murdered.

Height: For the top of her head to the tip of her tail she is 20 ft. She usual stands at a height of  5' 9".  

Personality: Sassy. Bit of a smartass. Kind-hearted. Dangerous when angered. Protective of those she cares about. Very independant.

The rest of Candy's story will be in the sequel.

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