New Profile Picture

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I now have drawn and colored a new profile picture. So for this one I will be giving some info about myself. 

Age: Over 21, but doesnt look over 21.

Top 3 Favorite colors: Purple, Blue, and Pink.

Eye color: In the picture purple. In real life brown.

Favorite animal: Real is horses. Mythical is unicorns.

Favorite food: It a tie between fried chicken and pizza. Yes, yes I am aware those choices are unhealthy, but honestly I dont care that they are.

Favorite fruit: Strawberries. Second would be a tie between apples and oranges.

Favorite Vegetable:  Its a tie between poatoes and corn. Close second is peas. Before any one says it yes potatoes count as a vegetable. A starchy  vegetable but still a vegetable.

Favorite type of music: Honestly I dont particularly have a favorite genre. If I like the song then it doesnt really matter to me which genre its in.

I think I will leave this here.  If you have any feel free to comment. I will answer the best I can if its not too personal.

Have a lovely day!

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