A/N - Wrapup

50 1 3

62... 62 publish parts. Glorious.

Anyways, congrats! You have reached the end of book 2 as of the 22nd June 2022! Started in late November 2021, I am VERY happy it's all done now, despite the... er... "challenges" that have occurred- the HTTYD Wattpad gang lost a very important friend(who shall hopefully come back in the future sometime...), I moved to a new school and many other changes.

My laptop is running on 10% and I want to get this A/N done before it dies because my charger is in the kitchen WITH MY PARENTS, so yes. There WILL be a Book 3(the last one unfortunately), although it will be at LEAST up to a few weeks until it is released and will be a very slow progressing book because of many, many, MANY different factors - most of which I cannot share, and uh... YEAH! Book 3 will have much more... idk how to put this so lets just say more stuff like being 'with child'(still dont say the other word), some dirty humor and really, REALLY CHEESY PUNS. PUNS R MY SPECIALTY MWAHAHAHAHA. So all in all, much more ✨Dramatic✨

So I hope you've enjoyed the Hiccstrid Daily book series so far and my laptop is very nearly dead so I'll see you all soon! :)

Emily OUT-


Hiccstrid Daily Book 2Where stories live. Discover now