Rehearsal pt. 2

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Prince's POV
Me and Bre was in the dance studio going through the routine when she had brought up Bria. How on earth does she know about Bri, your guess is as good as mine.

Bre: so I had I heard you was going out with some girl name Bria

Me: and how do you know this?

Bre: now come on Prince, you know I have my ways

Me: mmm.... we're not going to talk about my love life. So changing the subject, how you been?

Bre: I been hanging in there! Young Marcus & I decided to take our relationship a little further!

Me: What do you mean?

Bre: we're gonna have a baby after the tour ends!

Me: Wait yah for real? Don't you think that's a pretty big step? It's only been what, a year since yah been dating?

Bre: it's actually 2 and a half! But we talked things through and we both really want this!

Me: I'm really happy for you guys then!

Ray:*walks in* hey have yah seen Yn anywhere?

Me: she's not with Roc??

Ray: no I just came from there!!

Bre: nah we haven't seen her!

Ray: ok thanks!

Ray left and me and Bre continue to practice until it was time for us to take a break

Ray's POV
  After leaving Star I headed to the room where Roc and Yn was practicing at. I walked in and saw she wasn't in the room, concerned I asked Roc where she disappeared to and he said he didn't know. She told him she needed to get some air, so who knows what her and Roc were talking about. I went around and asked everyone if they seen her and they all didn't know where she disappeared too. Think Ray, she went to get fresh air, where would you go? Where would she go? That's it! The roof!

Your POV
   After the talk with roc I went up to the roof and just looked out at the view! It made me calm down and think to myself. Roc sure does know how to push my fucking buttons! I really shouldn't even be getting all worked up over some fucking ex. That's not even me, cause at the end of the day I'll leave your ass if I know for a fact you still have feelings for someone other than myself. Deep in thought I didn't even hear Ray come up behind me and wrap his arms around me.

Ray:*wraps arms around me* I knew I would find you up here!

You: oh hey

Ray: what are you doing up here??

You: I needed some air!

Ray: so I heard, what did he say to you?

You: who?

Ray: who else? Roc!

You: nothing

Ray: Yn

You: it was nothing Ray!

Ray: it's Star isn't it

You: I mean... *sighs* I see the way she looks at you Ray! I know she's plotting something in that head of hers and I don't like it

Ray:*turns me around* you know I'm not gon let that anything happen right?

You: no, I mean yeah Ik....... It's just I have my moment when I think your actually gonna go back to her

Ray: trust me when I say this..... I love you, not star! I want you, not star! She can try with all her might, but at the end of the day she gonna fail! You wanna know why??

You: and why is that?

Ray: cuz our love is stronger than steel! Nothing will tear us apart! I won't let you go! I've never felt this way about anyone else in my life and I don't want to loose that feeling, Ok??

You:*smiles* ok!

Ray:*kisses me* I love you!

You:*kisses back* I love you 2!!!

   After we watched the sunset, Me and Ray went back downstairs and went to work. After about 3 hours of rehearsaling Walter walked in and told us it was time to head to the hotel. The OMG girlz were at a different one, so I ain't have to worry about star ass. We got to the hotel 15 minutes later.

Walter: ok you guys have rehearsal for an hour, then Sound check, following show time! So get some rest so yah can bring your A game tomorrow!

Everyone: okay!

Walter: and Yn please try to get along with Star!

You: are you serious right now? I think you're talking to the wrong person *roll eyes* last time I checked she doesn't like me! Everyone can see that

Walter: just try okay? I know she can be a lot but They're going on tour with us for 5 months!

You:*rolls eyes* whatever!

Walter: thank you!

I got out the car pissed the fuck off and headed to the room. Ray walked in behind me about 5 minutes later.

Ray: you ok babe??

You: peachy!

Ray: you sure?

You: yes Ray! Damn!

Ray: baby come here!

You: why?

Ray: just come here!

I got up and walked towards Ray. I stood in front of him and he pulled me in for a hug and started whispering in my ear.

Ray:*whisper* Don't let anyone else get to you! I love you!

You:*whispers back* I love you too!!

   Me and Ray pulled away from the hug and gave each other a passionate kiss on the lips. We took a shower, got in bed & went to sleep.

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