Lets Talk!!

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Ray's Pov
I woke up the next morning & saw I was still on the Couch.

Me:*Sighs* I forgot I had to sleep on the couch

I got up and went into the room & saw Yn was still asleep. *sighs* I gotta make it up to her! I wrote Yn a note & Put it on the nightstand. I got dress & headed to Prince's room. I knocked on his door & he let me in.

Prince: what's up man?

Me: Yn still won't talk to me! I wanna tell her how sorry I am, but how?

Prince: you gotta give her time man! It's not like she doesn't want to talk she just said later

Me:*sighs* Prince please! I don't want to lose her!

Prince: ok! *phone rings* It's her!

Me: well what are you waiting on? Answer It!!

Prince picked up the phone & started talking

Prince's Pov
I picked up the Phone & I could tell there was something wrong.

📱Phone Conversation📱
Me: hello?

Yn: Hey Prince! You got time to talk?

Me: yeah, what's up?

Yn: I've been thinking about what happened yesterday and I don't know what to do!

Me: well don't you love Ray?

Yn: Of course I do! He's my everything!

Me: ok than! Yah need to talk things out! Remember what I told you last night

Yn:*sighs* yeah ok!

Me: and when I mean talk it out, I mean let him explain himself and don't cut him off!

Yn: ok! I guess I'll call him, cause he left me a note saying he was going out to clear his head!

Me: Ok, you do that! Call me back & tell me how it went!

Yn: I will & thanks Prince!

Me: No problem babygirl!

Yn: Ight talk to you later!

Me: ight!
📱End of Conversation📱

I got off the phone with Yn & Looked at Ray.

Me: you should be getting a call from Yn any minute now!

Ray: Thanks Prince!

Me: No problem man! Just don't fuck this up!

Ray: trust me, I won't! *phone rings* That's her!

Me: Ight man! Good Luck!

Ray: Thanks! I'ma need it!

I left Prince's room & took a deep breath. I looked at the caller ID & answered the phone!

📱Phone Conversation📱
Me: hello?

Yn: Hey umm... Can we talk?

Me: yeah!

Yn: ok, see you when u get here!

Me: Ok! Yn?

Yn: yeah?

Me: I love you!

Yn: yeah... me too!
📱End Of conversation📱

I hung up the phone & headed to our hotel room. I walked in & saw Yn sitting on the couch messing with her nails.

Me: hey!

Yn: hey!

Me: so... you wanted to talk?

Yn: yeah! I guess I never really let you explain to me on what happened. I just got so angry

Me: i know babe and i really am sorry! You know I love you with all my heart & you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you! I swear I didn't know Star was going to change the dance or kiss me! When I saw you storm off, I knew you were hurt! I was so pissed that I yelled at Star & ran after you! Can u forgive me?

Yn:*sighs* Ray I love you too & I know you wouldn't do anything thing to hurt me, but the thing is it still did! I don't know if I can keep doing this

Me: what do you mean?

Yn:*Sighs* I mean what I said to Walter. Maybe I should just go, maybe I'll just let her have you

Me: what!?! Noo!! I don't want her I want you! I don't want you to leave either!

Yn: Ray it's just way too much! I can barely focus on my class work with all this drama going on! I didn't sign up for this

Me: I know baby but I need you! You're the only person keeping me sane! And if you leave then your proven Star right

Yn: ugh fuck yeah your right

Me: just give it some time please! If things are still hectic then by all means we can leave

Yn: we?

Me: yes we! If you leave I'm leaving!

Yn: what about your fans? What about Walter and the guys?

Me: they're just gon have to deal with it! I rather be with you back home then be on tour thinking about you constantly

Yn: aww Ray

Yn pulled me closer to her and we gave each other the most passionate kiss.

Yn: and you don't have to sleep on the couch no more! I hate when you're not in bed next to me!

Me: yes, and I hate the feeling too!


Me: I love you!

Yn: I love you too!

As I was about to lean in & kiss her, her phone went off.

Me: who's that?

Yn:*looks at phone* It's Walter! I wonder what he wants! *roll eyes*

Me: idk! Answer it!

Yn: really? I was just gon let it ring!

Your Pov
All I know is, he better be calling me to apologize other than that I don't give a damn on why he's calling

📱Phone Conversation📱
You: hello?

Walter: hey Yn! I got some good news!

You: what you calling to apologize?

Walter: uh noo

You: then we have nothing to discuss so goodbye

Walter: Yn wait! Okay I'm sorry about the whole situation with Star, but I can make it up to you

You: go on?

Walter: Have you ever wanted to be in a photo shoot?

You: sure I guess!

Walter: well today is your lucky day! I was talking to TYGA's Manger & he's looking for a girl to be in his new album cover & I thought of you!


Walter: yup! You start tomorrow!

You: OMG! Thank you so much Walter!

Walter: It's the least I can do!

You: so I don't have to come to rehearsals tomorrow?

Walter: oh no! You're still going!

You: ugh ok! But thanks again Walter!

Walter: no Problem!

Me: Ight! I'll see you tomorrow!

Walter: see you tomorrow!
📱End of Conversation📱

OMG!! I can't believe I get to do a photo shoot with TYGA!!!!! I can't wait!




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