Next Step: South Carolina

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The Next Morning

Your POV
I woke up the next morning to see everyone was in my room crushed out. Ray & Prince was in my bed, Prod was knocked out on the couch and Roc was on the floor. I sat up and carefully got out of bed, trying not to disturb anyone and took a shower. I got dressed in the bathroom (outfit in media) & when I came out everyone was still asleep. So I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two pans and banged them together.

You:*yells* WAKE Y'ALL ASSES UP!!

Boys:*jumps up*

You: that's better, Good morning sunshine!

Prod: damn Yn it's only 5:30 in the morning!

Yn: and Walter said we're leaving at six! So get yah asses up and get dressed!

Boys: oh shit!!

  Prod, Ray, Prince, and Roc all jumped up and tried to race each other in the bathroom. Ray was the first to get there while everyone else started to panic.

You: you know you do have yah own rooms right?

Prince: oh yea!

Prod: we meet y'all downstairs!

  Prod, Prince, & Roc left and went into their own rooms and got ready. I then started packing me and Ray's stuff. By the time I was done Ray was already coming out the bathroom fully clothe.

Ray: hey babe!! Good morning!

You: good morning to you too!!

Ray: well damn don't you look good *bites lips*

You: don't I always!?

Ray: see your going to make me fight every dude that looks your way!

You:*chuckles* they can look all they want to but at the end of the day guess whose arms I'm in?

Ray: hmm... who?

You:*playfully hits him* you dummy!

Ray: ooooo *chuckles* hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday!! I.....

You: babe it's ok! I already forgive you and I told you I understood where you were coming from!

Ray:*kisses me* see this is why I love you

You:*kisses back* I love you too!! Now let's go, we're already running behind

Ray: ok I'll met you down there!! I gotta get my bags!

You: way ahead of you! I packed it while you was in the shower

Ray: I swear you're fucking amazing!

Ray grabbed our bags and we headed down to the lobby to meet up with Walter and Keshia. Welp I guess we weren't the only ones running behind.

Walter:*sighs* where are the others?

Boys:*runs downstairs* right here!!

Walter: what part of be here at 6 did no one understand?

Roc: sorry we were getting dressed

Keshia: figures!!

Prod: so where are we going next again?

Walter: south Carolina!

Roc: we haven't been there in a while

Keshia: I know so everyone get in the van! We gotta hurry up to the airport before we miss our flight!

You: wait we're flying there?

Walter: yeah!

You: oh no I'm sorry I don't do planes!

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