Since when?

394 11 1

Your POV
Ray carried me downstairs all eyes were on us. He walked us into the living room and sat me down on his lap. Everyone still looking at us shocked like they seen a ghost doing backflips.

Bria: hold up are we missing something?

You: Umm... Not that I know of!!

Ivy: wait, what's all this? *points at you and Ray* This ain't normal

Ray: well..... *looks at me*

You:*chuckle* well we're dating now!

Prince:*shocked* since when!?!?!?!?

Ray: since the day we had that little get together so to speak!

Bria: so when was y'all gon plan on telling us?


Prince: that's messed up!! So what's the big news?

Ray: So I asked Walter if Yn could go on tour with us as a backup dancer... *mumbles* and maybe a singer... and Walter approved.

Bria: wait, who is us?

Prince:*rubs his neck* yea so about that....

Bria: Prince? Is there something you not telling me?

Prince: I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was too scared too!

Bria:*sighs* when are y'all leaving?

Prince:*mumbles* 2 weeks!

Bria:*sighs and gets up*

Prince: babe...

Ivy: and when were you going to tell me? *looks at roc*

Roc:*looks away*

Ivy: wow really Roc! I'm out of here! *walks out*

Roc: Ivy wait!

You: I got it!

  I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Bria and Ivy sitting at the table discussing who knows.

You: y'all good?

Ivy: what does it look like?

You: woah there cowboy don't shoot the messenger!

Ivy:*sighs* I just wish he would've told me sooner you know!? Why did you have to keep it a secret?

You: yea no I totally get it! But I can't speak for Roc, maybe he has his reasons?

Bria: How long are y'all suppose to be gone?

You: I don't even know! But if it makes y'all feel better I'll make sure they don't do anything stupid, cuz you know how I am!

Bria&Ivy: thanks Yn!! *hugs me*

You:*hugs back* it's the least I could do! Just wish you guys could come along too!

Ivy:*chuckles* yea right and do what? Stand there and get in the way?

Bria: she got a point Lol

You:*roll eyes* don't act like it wouldn't be fun!

Ivy: I bet it would, but I'm just saying! By the way.... Something about you seems different

You: what do you mean?

Ivy: I don't know I can't put my finger on it... Bria?

Bria: no she's right! You seem happier, more relaxed

Ivy:*gasps* YOU DIDN'T!?!?

You:*smiles* well I don't like to toot my own horn but...

Bria: oh my god!! Y'all did!!

Ivy: is he big?

You:*laughs* I am not telling you that! That's classified information

Bria: oh come on it's us you're talking too!

You: nope!

Ivy: Fine!! Be like that

You:*laughs* omg, come on! They probably wondering what's taking us so long.

We walked back into the living and saw the guys watching TV. I walked over to Ray and he sat me down on his lap. We then watched the others make up after the whole situation. Finally after what seemed like forever, we went to the backyard and got in Ray's pool. Me and Ray was in the corner of the pool minding our own business just kissing.

Bria: aye break it up over there!! Yah little nasty!!

You: Damn I can't kiss him?

Ivy: Ima have to get use to that!!

Prince: y'all better not be doing that the whole damn tour!!

Roc: foreal!! I don't need all that lovey dovey shit!!

Ray: whatever you just hating!

Roc: on wat?

Ray: on all of this! *points to his body*

Roc: if you haven't notice I'm more fit than you!!

As Roc said that I notice he was more fit then Ray. *bites lip* like omg look at his 6-pack!! He got me over here drooling!! Them tattoo on his chest really turns a girl on! Mhmm!! Wait, What the hell am I thinking? That's my best friend boyfriend!! Fucking Christ, I need a drink!

You: Ima be back! I need a drink! Who else want something?

Ray: I'm good babe!

Ivy: you know I'm not a drinker

Prince&Bria: Pass!

Me: welp yah lost! I make a mean cocktail

I got out the pool and walked inside and went into the kitchen to make myself a strong cocktail when I feel two arm wrap around me. I turned around, thinking it was Ray, but only to find ROC???


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