Chapter 76

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Closet Bedroom.
Oredison Palace, Gazda.
Sanctus Melynda—The Trial.

I wasn't sure what Britta would do when it came time for Kai's trial. I was anxious, all pent up energy and unanswered questions. I still hadn't seen him and as the morning of his trial loomed before me, I prepared myself to convince her to let me say goodbye. Just one last time. I needed that at the very least.

If the trial went badly, there wouldn't be time afterward. From what I'd heard, the execution would be by firing squad and they were prepared to carry it out today. The maids and footmen had been whispering about it for the last week. I'd heard ever construction worker and guard discussing Kai's impending judgement day. Caine's too. It seemed that Britta's new government would be birthed on the death of those who had committed treason against her family and her kingdom, which I understood in so many ways and hated in so many others.

People were eager for a fresh start. Britta was energetic. I'd sat with Nadia and Heidi at the back of the Synod Chamber as she'd discussed her plans for her government. Elected officials from each of the largest cities in Erydia. She would spend half of her year in Pellarmus and the half here in Erydia. In the meantime, there would be a regent that would rule in her stead and make sure the government remained steady. A peace treaty with Vayelle was already being drafted and trade between Haniver and Erydia had never been more lucrative. Things were already improving, even as Gazda was being actively rebuilt.

The day before, I'd seen plans for schools that would be built in the outer most cities and towns. Places like Varos. Real schools, not crumbling shacks or old houses. And while they weren't the most beautiful buildings, they would be clean and they would have electric lighting. They would be better than anything my brothers ever had. Certainly better than I would have had, even if I'd been allowed to attend school.

But all of those wonderful things might come at the cost of Kai.

And while the rest of Erydia was excited for the future and would greet Sanctus Melynda with joy, I couldn't help but taste bile as I imagined what the next few hours of my life my entail.

I'd start by talking with Britta. The night before Sanctus Melynda, I tossed and turned in bed, thinking about how the conversation with her would go. What I would say, how I would convince her. 

It will only take a few minutes. I won't touch him if you don't want me to. I can talk to him behind bars, if that's what you want. I'll work with you. There can be guards in the room. Whatever would make you happy. I just want to talk to him. Just a few minutes. Please.

I'd beg her. I hated to admit it, but I'd beg her for the chance to say goodbye to him. I'd had no chance to say goodbye to anyone else and the idea of there being no closure to this, of him being there one moment and gone the next...Of him being...


I needed to talk to Britta. I needed this all to be over with.

I was so tired.

I'd barely eaten the last few days because I couldn't keep food down. Even with Isla, Annalise, and Nadia regularly trying to force different types of food down my throat, I couldn't manage more than a few bites at a time. They whispered about me out in the hallway when my bedroom door was cracked and they thought I was asleep, their voices sharp with concern.

Nadia was concerned that I wasn't eating on purpose and thought that they might need to discretely remove any sharp objects from my room. Annalise agreed, fearing that things would escalate drastically if Kai were to be executed. Isla didn't think I'd hurt myself.

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