Chapter 12

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The Royal Dining Room.
Oredison Palace, Gazda.
The evening of the Welcome Dinner.

Despite Igell and Ross's worries over getting me to the dining room twenty minutes early, I found that I was the first one there. The table was set similarly to how it had been during the first welcome dinner. That had been over six months ago, and yet it still seemed like it happened yesterday. I felt those same nerves.

I'd been unsure of myself then, and I was still incredibly unsure of myself, but my feelings of inadequacy were different. Now, my anxiety was rooted in not knowing what Caine would do next. At that first Welcome Dinner, I hadn't even really known to be afraid of Viera. The Monroe Benson who had arrived at this dining room wearing combat boots and a pastel gown was starkly different from the girl I was now.

I felt powerful in this dress.

I hoped I could emulate Uri, maybe even a little of Viera. I hoped that when Caine looked at me, he saw a girl who would kill to be queen. I wanted to be that girl. And if it had been only Kinsley in the arena, I think I could've stomached it. I think I could have really dug into myself—buried my reservations in that dark, swirling abyss of power—and fought for the throne. I could have really wanted it if it didn't mean that my friends would have to die.

Those thoughts scattered as my guards stepped back into the hall and a footman moved forward to escort me to my seat. Just like that first dinner, there were name cards in front of each chair, one set before every silver-rimmed table setting. My chair was pulled out for me and I sat, trying not to overthink everything.

I was near the door, with Caine at the head of the table directly to my right. There was a name card for Anna across the table from me. So, Caine was keeping his two weapons close tonight. I wondered who he would abuse more, me or Kai's drugged mother. I didn't want to know.

Dread ate at my confidence, but I forced myself not to cave to it as I took in the other table settings. There were two names I didn't recognize—Darragh and Isla. Isla would be seated next to me, while Darragh was on Anna's other side.

At the end of the table was Kai's seat—where Viera had once sat. Cohen and Larkin had assigned seats on either side of him, with Cohen to his right. Nadia would be next to Cohen, with Graves between her and Isla. And then, next to Larkin would be Kinsley and Heidi.

There were fewer chairs at this table than there had been the night of the first welcome dinner, and yet the dining room seemed somehow fuller—more cramped. There would be a lot of power in this room tonight and I feared none of it would belong to me.

I watched as the footmen finished straightening things on the table. My hands ached and my skin itched with suppressed power as one man leaned across my seat and used a match to light the candelabra at the center of the table. I was offered water or wine. I'd never been one for alcohol, but just then, with Caine's arrival looming, I felt I needed some liquid courage.

Someone filled my glass with a purplish liquid. I didn't touch it. I didn't do anything as one by one they exited the room, leaving me alone with myself and a fire I could see, by no longer sense.

I was still watching the two small flames of the candles burn, the white wax dripping slowly down the silver sconces, when I heard footsteps. Instinctually, I stood up, preparing myself for Caine. My fingers dug into the white linen table cloth and I sucked in a deep breath, trying not to show my fear as a man rounded the corner.

I nearly collapsed in on myself as Kai appeared in the doorway. He must have seen my expression, because he stepped forward, a hand outstretched to me.

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