.Part 19.

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let's pretend Namjoon can drive 🫡

                       Present time
                               Namjoon's pov
"Jin..there's something I need to tell you"
"what is it..?" He said facing me now. "I don't think we should date anymore.." I said...this sounds so bad.


                                    Jin's pov
What- why does he- we were doing good...why- he doesn't love me anymore??? But he told me last night that he loves me- why???

                       Back to Namjoon's pov
"Why- Joon I-" he said getting emotional.
"It's because, I want to marry you" I said while getting on one knee..
"what I'm saying is..love me...please and marry me"
"I— y-yea" he said now crying. He's adorable..I put the ring on his finger and got up to hug him. "Is this what you were planning..?"
"yea.." I said while kinda chuckling. I then kissed the top of his head and said "don't cry" I pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears
"you planned all of this...thank you" he said. BRO.
"Well, Jimin helped me with a lot of it...you should thank him too" I said. He deserves some credit 🤷  then he hugged me and said something that literally melted my heart...
"I love you"
OH MY- BROOO "I love you too" then he pulled away from the hug and kissed me...I pulled away after a bit.
"Wanna walk around?" I suggested, which he just nodded. He looks so cute when he's shy. Then I grabbed his hand and we started walking around.

After we walked around for a bit, btw we were just talking about high school, dates, and Jin was very happy talking about us...ugh he's so perfect. "Joon" he said. BRO EVERY TIME HE SAYS MY NAME- I JUST 🫠 "yeah?" I said trying not to sound in awe. "Can we get coffeeeeeee?"
"Of course, whatever you want"

Once we got to the coffee shop we both saw that it was kinda packed. "Joon"
"yea?" "You can go sit"
"but-" "go..there's a lot of people"
"okay.." I said giving in. I walked around looking for a table and soon found one.

                                      Jin's pov
It's been a week since Namjoon has proposed to me. IM MARRIED. Anyways- right now I'm getting ready to meet his parents, yeah this is our first time meeting. He's told them about me, but we never had time to actually meet them.. they're pretty busy and they live far away. Anyways, I quickly put on a coat since I got a text from Joon saying he's outside waiting for me.

I opened the car door and got in. "Hi baby" HE- STOP HE- DID HE JUST- HE CALLED ME- AHGGH "Jin?" He said confused since I was in shock and not replying to him. WHY IS HE SO- WHY DOES HE MAKE ME FEEL LIKE THIS "Jinnn??" He said while waving his hand in front of my face.
"Uhmm..hi, sorry I just- uhm...let's get going" I finally replied while looking anywhere but at him. I guess he noticed why I was flustered, and he let out a cute laugh. HE-
"cute" I heard him whisper while putting the car in drive. OH MY-. Then my thoughts were interrupted.
"Put your seatbelt on" he said so cutely. I SWEAR- I JUST CANT WITH HOW I FEEL WHENEVER HE TALKSJDJWKSN
"Right...uhm *click* there.." I said while sitting politely and taking a look out the window. He started driving and after awhile we finally arrived at his parents house.

Wow their rich...I thought while getting out of the car. "Aw.." Joon said a bit sad. "What's wrong?" I said concerned. "Nothing..I just wanted to opened the door for you" he said while pointing at the car door. HE- OH MY- IM BLUSHING SO HARD RN. Then he smiled and said "c'mon.." he started walking and I followed behind. I was looking around, they had a nice garden and cute fountain 😯

Once we were at the front of the house, Joon rang the door bell. I tightly grabbed his arm..kinda holding it like a koala. "It's okay, I'm sure they'll love you babe" he said.
HE- "ok..ay.." I said while loosening my grip on his arm. Then the door opened reveling a girl with a bright smile.
"Hi Nam!" She said. I'm guessing this is his sister?
"Hey..where's Mom?" "Kitchen, wait- your not gonna introduce me??" She said playfully.
"Oh, yeah..this is Jin.." "H..hi" I said very nervously "awww hes so cute!" she said slightly squealing. "I know, now move" Joon said.
HE- ✋😔

Then he moved his sister aside and we walking in. I gave her a nervous yet warming smile as I passed her, and she just looked at me in awe. Am I really that cute-? I was too busy contemplating that,, I didn't notice we were near the kitchen now..ugh I'm nervous again..."You ok Jin?" "Y..yeah..just a little..nervous" I said stuttering a bit. Then Joon turned to face me,, he was staring into my eyes..and was only a few inches away from my face.
"You'll be ok..from what I've told them, they're probably dying to meet you. Plus I'm so happy to show them my pretty boyfriend" he said which definitely made me calm down.
"oh sorry, my pretty fiancé" he said with a big smile on his face. IF HE FLIRTS ONE MORE TIME I'LL- Then he pecked my lips.


"c'mon.." he said. Hmmm I kinda wanted to kiss him for longer...So I pulled him back into a kiss, I think he was caught off guard a bit.

"Not here babe" he said with a smirk. HE— I JUST WANTED A KISS-
"perv" I said teasingly.
"Shut up, c'mon" he said grabbing my hand and we walked into the kitchen. "Hi Mom" he said letting go of my hand and walked towards her. "Joon! Hi!" She said giving him a warm hug. Cute. I thought
"I brought Jin with me" "YOU DID" she said excitedly. Then she looked my direction and I literally looked like this 🧍‍♂️ while waving. "Jin!" She said while walking to me and giving me a warmer hug. I hugged her gently while saying "Hii"
"I've heard so much about you!"
"Ohh c'mon I'm sure he knows you're deeply in-" "Mommm!" Joon said while sulking.
"Well I'd like to know more" I said, which Namjoon looked at me in disbelief. "Well once the food is ready we'll have a nice chat!" She said. I let out a small laugh.

Namjoon showed me around his house, right now we're in his room and he's showing me old pictures of him.
"This was the first day of high school..my Mom took these pictures of me, I was so nervous." He said. I chuckled and said
"you look so young...I still remember when I first saw you.."
"Yeah, it was the end of sophomore year...and we had chemistry that day, it was spirit week and you had on a cool outfit,, it stood out so I couldn't stop staring at you...and when I got to see your face..I couldn't look away that whole period" I said getting shy while explaining. When I was done I saw Joon staring at me...I kinda gave him a confused look.
"Sorry, I just didn't know you liked me for that long..now I get why Jimin and Hobi were so happy when we got together "
"Yeah" I said while laughing.

I was laughing for a bit and I saw that Joon was smiling and looking at me fondly. I stopped laughing and stared back. He leaned in and said "I love you" STOP THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER.
"I love you..too" I said back. He then kissed me which soon turned into a more passionate kiss. Before I knew it I was almost on his lap but then we heard from downstairs. "Guys the foods' ready!" Which came from his energetic sister. We both pulled away at the same time...and I blushed..."Cute. It's too bad we got interrupted" Namjoon said. HEISJSKDBAWHJ "shut up Joon.." he laughed at my response and we walked out of his room and we went downstairs.

The whole time Joon's Mom and I were gossiping, talking about Joon, or she was complementing me. Honestly I love his family. "So are you guys going to stay the night..?" His Mom said while looking at both of us. "Uhm.." Joon said while looking at me and I just gave him a slight nod. "Yeah..but we don't have clothes.." "Ohh-" Then we heard the door unlocking. Who could that be?

I feel like this chap is a bit long 🫥

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