Hunger 6

230 13 0

Your POV

      I struggled against the tight grip of the knight's hand as my eyes looked to Gulia trying to receive some sort of pity.

      "Stop! Please! Why are you doing this you don't have to hurt us! Especially Mead! He's just a kid!" I pleaded in vain. Gulia continued to point her sword at me ignoring my desperate cries for help. I closed my eyes and thought: I'm about to die. Who do I even care about? Who would even miss me? It's times like these when your whole life would flash before your eyes except I don't even remember my life.

      Meliodas...I don't know many people but...if I wanted someone to care about my death...Please if I can somehow reach out to you.

      Gulia lifted up her sword preparing to kill me and Mead with one blow. Dang, this is how I go. 

      I shut my eyes preparing my body for the blow but I was fine. I felt fine. No way was I saved. It couldn't be Meliodas that's too perfect.  

       Except it was, Meliodas stood in front of me with his hand intercepting the blow. Blood rolled down his fingertips and flowed out from his palm. 

      "What kind of knight tries to kill two innocent people. Especially a kid," Meliodas scowled. I let out a sigh of relief. Meliodas smiled and then looked over to me, "Sorry I'm late."

      Suddenly, the knight constraining me put his sword to my neck. The cold medal slightly slices into my skin causing a small stream of blood to flow down my neck to my chest. 

      "If ya move a single inch I'll slice her neck!" the guard threatened. Meliodas lifts up his hand and then flicks the guard right in the middle of the head allowing me to slip through his grip. I run over to Mead to check on him.

      "He's knocked out," I sighed. 

      "Enough of this...who are you?" Gulia grumbled.


      "Meliodas...Meliodas...Meli- The dragon sin?! Oh...this is interesting. I came here to do something so pointless but instead got something of worth from this," Gulia smiled, "Ah...yes...maybe I can test out my new sword."

      Meliodas cocked his head to the side, "Hmm...yeah no thanks. I just came for the party that you just crashed." I look behind me staring at the knocked-out guard sprawled out on the floor. Yeah...he's not getting up. I kneel down on the ground and then carefully rest Mead's head on my lap.

      "W-what happened..." Mead weakly asked.

      "Mead you're awake! Are you good? Do you feel hurt or dizzy?" I rambled.

      Mead shook his head, "No...I'm fine. I feel better now...Oh! It's Meliodas!" Mead tries to get up but decides to kneel beside me feeling too weak to stand.

      Gulia smiled and then pointed her sword at Meliodas, "Haha! I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Immediately Gulia ejected an explosion from the tip of her sword sending Meliodas crashing into the wall of a house. Once the dust settles I verbally gasp at the sight of multiple imprints of Meliodas' body all lined up from the front wall to the back.

      "Is that the extent of your power?" Gulia sighed," I was expecting more." A loud crash shakes the ground as multiple boulders come flying from the broken wall. Meliodas emerges from the rubble covered with dust while his clothes barely clung to his body. 

      "Very interesting. I'm collecting a lot of interesting information just from that one blow. All others I have faced died from that attack," Gulia rambled. Meliodas smirks and then charges toward Gulia. Once Meliodas reaches her he punches her but, she dodges the swing before sending another explosion. Meliodas quickly dodges the explosion as he sends a side kick landing a devastating blow on Gulia's hip. She gasps in pain before regaining her composure. Gulia smiles and then points her sword at Meliodas charging up a big blow. The wind around her swirls as if it was trying to escape getting sucked into the ball of light at the end of her blade.

Meliodas POV

      "You know...I heard about your ability. Full Counter...was it? What will you do? Deflect my attack or save your friend? If you deflect my attack both that kid and that girl will die but if you go save her all of you will be caught in the path of my explosion," Gulia chuckled. I looked behind me and immediately noticed a new guard standing behind Y/N and Mead. Without hesitation, I rushed over to Y/N.


      I try to calm myself as I observe the explosion approaching. I begin standing up but stop dead in my tracks. It takes me a few seconds for my eyes to process the unimaginable speed Meliodas used to rush behind me. My eyes widened as I turned around. In front of me was Meliodas hunched over with a sword piercing his stomach. 

      "Full...Counter," Meliodas whispered. Blood rolled from the base to the tip of the blade before it dripped onto my forehead. The knight pulled the sword out of Meliodas' stomach as the explosion reflected back towards Gulia. Meliodas turned around and then weakly kicked the knight sending the knight flying before Meliodas exhaustedly fell back into my lap. Mead scrambled up with a look of fear and horror before he sprinted over to a distant crowd of villagers.

       "MELIODAS! I SHOULD...I should have left! You wouldn't have gotten hurt if I just-"

       "I'm fine...I just got a few wholes where there...shouldn't be wholes...Plus do you really think a random piece of scrap metal would hurt me?" He weakly chuckled. His blood-soaked into my clothing dying it red. It strangely smelled sweet...Meliodas got up and then kicked the knight to the side sending the knight flying into the rubble of the broken wall from earlier. I noticed Meliodas progressively get weaker and breath heavier.

      "...This isn't normal. I should be fine by now," Meliodas whispered. I examined the sword from earlier.

      "What's this sticky stuff on it," I asked wiping away the blood with my sleeve. 

      "Uh...Poison...ugh...I don't feel so good just...get Hawk and g...o...b...ack..." Meliodas fainted before he could even finish his sentence. 

      "Meliodas!" I exclaimed.

       I rip a piece of cloth off my clothing and then carefully patch Meliodas' wound. I need to get Hawk he might know how to help Meliodas. The blood from the wound stains my hands. It smells really really really good. And then the ticking started.

Tick Tick...Tick

      My hands shake as I bring them slowly to my face. What was I about to do...I'm not a monster I would never...but I did. I hesitantly opened my mouth. I stuck out one finger and plunged it into my mouth. I have never tasted anything like it. The blood on contact gave me a surge of power, power that I have never felt before. I heard whispering and yelling in the distance.

      "Where is everyone else...It's just the eight of us as far as from what I know. Even so, it should be enough to capture the girl and kid. Wait...Hey! She's over there! Capture her!" A guard spoke.

      That tiny taste did not satisfy me. I wanted more. I needed more. Way more. I turned around to face the guards. After that everything went black.

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