A Runaway 9 (I)

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     Saying the village looked rough was an extreme understatement. Most of the houses looked closer to rubble than livable structures. The vegetation seemed to be the only thing keeping the buildings from collapsing rather than the cement. Walkways, wearing away over time, turned into plain dirt and grass.

     "Wow...this place looks rough," I sighed pitifully.

     "Seems we came to the town near Necropolis. This would be a good place to-" Meliodas stated.

     Holding a squealing Hawk, Ban launched himself off the balcony of the tavern before planting his feet firmly on the dirt before hollering, "Quit the yapping. Let's get going. I need knew clothes too." That fact was obvious. The only things keeping Ban decent was his tattered shorts and an old tavern apron.

     Meliodas held me in a bridal position and launched himself off the balcony as well. I hugged my body close to Meliodas attempting to avoid plummeting to my death. Diane got up from the floor sending a low tremor through the earth with enough force to knock over Hawk. I could hear Hawk quietly grumble to himself before quickly getting back to his feet. We all began heading deeper into the ruined town.

     "Y/N," Meliodas said. His tone was serious causing me to worry for a moment. It was a big shift from his usual demeanour.

     "Yeah?" I responded bracing myself for whatever he was about to say next.

     "Do you know what happened to those knights?" Meliodas asked gripping the hilt of his broken blade.

     I stumbled over my footsteps for a moment. Shocked at the sudden question. I took a deep breath trying to discern the best way to answer his question. I think I know what I did but at the same time, I'm not sure. I don't even know what I'm thinking but I could feel my stomach churn in disgust at the mere thought of what I possibly did. I'm so confused.

     "I'm not sure when I woke up I was in the bedroom inside the tavern. I remember as much as you do," I awkwardly chuckled. Man...I suck at lying.

     Meliodas slowed his steps and then looked to me and explained, "There's something about you. We have to figure out what's going on with you. The connection I feel with...anyway enough with the gloomy-"

     Suddenly, I hear a loud plea coming from a man wearing an old black cloak lined with gold trim, "Please sir have mercy on her-"

     "You seem to have money. Ya got a nice robe. Why don't...oh so she's a girl? Why don't you hand her over then?" the man wearing a red top and pants sneered with a disgusting grin.

     The black cloaked man shielded the cloaked girl. The red-clothed man yanked the cloaked man by his collar before sending a firm punch to the poor man's stomach. The man recoiled in pain and fell over. He attempted to recollect himself by wiping the drool he expelled from receiving that earlier blow. The red-clothed man had no mercy kicking the black cloaked man down again crushing him before he even had a chance to recover.

     The girl seemingly worried stood in between the red-clothed man and the cloaked man.

     The girl swallowed her fear and stood firmly as she declared, "I won't let you hurt him anymore."

     "Aw how cute," the red-clothed man teased as he grabbed her wrist, forcefully pulling her.

     "I'm done watching," I grumbled walking over to the scene. Ban followed close behind seemingly more interested in the red-clothed man clothing then the situation itself.

      I quickly tackled the creep from behind before hollering, "Leave them alone!" It wasn't as cool as it played out in my head because I was quickly overpowered by the man due to my lack in skill and strength. My head was the first to hit the ground after he launched me over his shoulder. I rubbed my head feeling a stinging pain and slightly worried wether or not my head was bleeding. My worries were justified as a thin line of blood grew to a steady stream began flowing down my face.

      The cloaked girl rushed over to me before asking, "Are you okay!" 

      "Yeah, I'm fine. Just need to walk it off...I'm pretty pathetic," I chuckled wiping the blood from my eyebrow.

      "No! I wouldn't even think to say that. You did more then what I tried to do. You put yourself in harms way for strangers," She exclaimed. Heh, I guess I did. 

     Meliodas stepped forward to intervene but was quickly cut off by Ban's arm. Ban tapped the the red-clothed man shoulder before he smiled, "Hey mind if I borrow your clothes."

     "What...no! Mind your business!" He snapped back rudely.

     "Wrong answer," Ban snarled before sending a bone-shattering punch right into the red-clothed man's cheek. The red-clothed man immediately fell unconscious slumping over to the side.

     "You guys handle the girl. I think I found my new outfit," Ban smirked as he walked away, dragging the unconscious red-clothed man behind him.

     After Ban left I gently sat up and asked,"Enough worrying about me, are you okay?" The girl nodded slowly while pulling her cloak more securely around her body.

     Meliodas walked over crouching down to look at the pummelled cloaked man before he assured, "You don't have to be wary of us. We are only here to help but, I do think we need to take this guy to our tavern to fix him up. He looks pretty beat up"

     "Mind if I join you!? I need to make sure he's okay," she frowned.

     "Yeah of course," I responded.
     Meliodas picked up the man and then threw him over his shoulder before we all began our journey back to the tavern.

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