Instinct 10 (I)

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??? POV

      "Have you caught wind of the beasts scent yet brother," Vation asked once again stroking her creepy doll clone. 

       I shivered at the sight before turning my nose up to the sky, "I smell something...I'm kinda grasping at straws here. I haven't smelled her yet so I'm guessing."

     "Well hurry up! We shouldn't keep master waiting," Vation scolded in her monotone voice. 

     "Yeah Yeah, It's hard to work on an empty stomach. All we've come across is towns people," I mumbled before rubbing my grumbling stomach. I dug my feet into the dirt before propelling myself off the ground. Blood speckles splattered on my face as I sank my teeth into an airborne crow. The bird squawked and flapped in my mouth before I crunched it's spine, instantly causing the bird to lay limp.

     "That bird practically had no magic," I frowned before spitting the corpse to the ground. I licked my lips. 

      Vation quickly knocked me over the head with her fist. I yelped in pain.

     "How grotesque. You almost got blood on Vation," Vation reprimanded before smoothing down stray pieces of hair on the dolls head.

      "Why do you have to hit me for a doll and why did you give it your name," I whined crouching down on the floor to rub the growing swelling on the back of my head. A quick glare from her shut me up.

       Suddenly, I smelt a sweet scent getting more and more potent. My frown quickly turned into a grin as I heard the thumping of horse hooves against loose pebbles and smelled a mild scent of magic. I sprung up before swinging my arms to the direction of the scent. Seemed like a bunch of holy knights. I licked my lips.

       "What do you smell," Vation asked before showing her rarely seen smile. 

      "Knights, and lots of them but most importantly lots of magic," I grinned.

Your POV

      It's been around two days since Elizabeth revealed her identity. After that Sir Gervais guy disappeared, he left a note with a necklace as a gift for me. I appreciated the the gift and have kept it since that day while we wait for King to show up. So far, this town we're in is the only lead we have of King's whereabouts. Meliodas decided we should hang around, at least until we get another lead. While we wait for clues he's been training me.

     "Sharper attacks Y/N! You're holding back, a sloppy hit like that won't even leave a scratch," Meliodas smiled while swiftly dodging a slash from my twin daggers. 

      "Ugh! I'm trying," I grunted while sending a continuous wave of slashes and jabs towards Meliodas. Meliodas was still happy and full of energy while I was tired and drenched in sweat. It didn't help that the tavern uniform isn't exactly designed with combat in mind.

      I wasn't getting anywhere with just swinging my arms around carelessly, I need to be more sharp and precise with my attacks. I slowed my breathing trying to pin point an opening in Meliodas' defences. Almost~ There! I thrusted my left dagger to Meliodas' hip but was quickly intercepted as he grabbed my wrist twisting it behind my back. I winced as I dropped the dagger. His face was so close to my ear I could hear every breath.

      "Let's see," Meliodas smirked, "what's the score? Meliodas 73 and...Y/N, 1, 2,3 Oh! 0." I wiggled myself out of Meliodas' hold before pointing the other dagger in his direction. I don't know what's going on with Meliodas ever since that mysterious hooded guy named Sir Gervais or whatever came to our tavern, Meliodas has been acting extra weird. Like touchy feely weird. 

      I withdrew my knife as I flushed, "Okay, way to rub it in...just keep your distance." 

      Meliodas backed away from me before putting his hands up in surrender as he innocently grinned, "Whatever do you mean." I swear once I get a hit on him it will be way more then a little scratch. 

     "Anyway, we're getting sidetracked back to training," Meliodas smiled," and how about you come at me without the daggers."

      "Without the daggers?" I asked questioning if Meliodas was actually being serious.

      Meliodas patted by head as he grinned, "Yeah! Now give me everything you got, just really focus." I closed my eyes, attempting to imagine power flowing through me while I pummel Meliodas. What am I even meant to focus on?

      Strolling away Meliodas informed, "I'll be sitting by this tree with my hand up knock my hand out of the way and I'll consider it a win for you." I watched as Meliodas cheerfully spun around before he plopped himself down on the soil beside the tree causing a small cloud of dust to puff up around him.    

      Okay, shouldn't be too hard, I'll just focus on his hand. I planted my feet into the dirt, readying before charging towards Meliodas. Here I go. 

      Charging towards Meliodas I steadied my breathing before raising my fist as I was about to make contact with his palm.

      "Nice try," Meliodas smiled before closing his palm around my fist. I plopped myself on the ground feeling exhausted. All that effort with no progress. My heaving became less aggressive as I slowly began to feel the gently breeze cool down my sweat stained body. 

      I buried my face in my knees as I whined, "I'm never going to get stronger."

      "Hey, where did all that determination go from when you first asked me to train you. You've only trained with me for two days plus sparring with you 73 times made it pretty clear that you have potential your reflexes are abnormally good for someone that doesn't fight," Meliodas assured while resting his head on the bark of the tree. 

      Maybe he is right. I guess I can't expect to be as strong as him in two days. What he said about reflexes kinda makes me think back to that time I was running away from that Holy Knight Twigo after stealing his bread. At that time I ran into a dead end. Somehow I jumped over that wall. That defiantly isn't humanly possible especially for someone who hasn't trained or fight. It wasn't even the first time my body did something weird, that feeling I got when I came in contact with Meliodas and Elisabeth's blood, that time I woke up with no memory of what I did to those holy knights in Bernia village, and waking up with no memory of anything in Liones. I clenched the ticking pocket watch in my pocket. Something about this whole situation, well more specifically my body, is pretty fishy. Some dots. If only I had my memory back.

      Quickly, Meliodas drifted to sleep as he yawned, "Now...Why don't we rest..for a bit..." In his sleeping state his right arm slowly dropped to my shoulder. I flinched in surprise then slowly moved my head to lay on his chest. I can still enjoy moments like this without liking me...Each breath he took his chest gently rose and fell as his eyes every now and then fluttered partially open caused by feeling a minor disturbance like a leaf brushing his leg. I could definitely feel my face heat up as I laid with Meliodas feeling comfortable in my new position. 

      Hypothetically IF I like Meliodas...would I do anything about it? What does it mean for me? Diane likes him too? So...if I had to would I fight for him?

      Suddenly, I felt a strong waive zip and tingle down my spine. My nose was filled with a thick scent that I couldn't quite place the smell of. Either way this feeling felt like power. It gave me the same feeling as walking past the dark, narrow alley-ways of Liones at night. It felt like my whole body was warning me of something.

     I shot up out of Meliodas' arms, interrupting his nap, before I noticed Ban in the distance most likely coming out of the tavern to call us for food.

     Without hesitation I quickly hollered, "Ban get out of there!"

     "Hey! Wha-" Ban yelled back before he was quickly interrupted by the fountain of blood pouring out of his chest and mouth. Too late.

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