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Hi Guys!

Ik, ik it's been a while, but I just wanted to give you guys an update on the state of this book as well as my life.  

First of all, I wanted to thank everyone on here for all the support and enthusiasm for LoLaD. It's really been incredible seeing how much this book is loved + appreciated.

Right now, I'm working on a book for school that will hopefully be out in a year. Because this is a school project and I'm trying to get it published, I will not be submitting the story here on Wattpad. However, I will still post the link when it is published and you guys can read it from there. 

(I'll also be looking for beta readers for the book around autumn so if anyone is interested in that, message me.)

I'm putting all my focus on this new book, which unfortunately means that I will be putting Lady of Life and Death on hold for the time being. This does NOT mean that I am abandoning this work in any way, only that I am prioritizing my academic work over my hobby, as I always have. I WILL be back to finish this book, even if I have to crawl back from the metaphorical grave to do so.

For now, this book will be marked as completed on Wattpad to help with the algorithm. However, there will be multiple notes that this book is incomplete. 

Until we meet again

A. M.

Lady of Life and Death: A Persephone Novel (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now