Chapter 9 (were you belong)

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Two brothers hurt by the other under the fool moon sky.

One believes they are right and no one can change his mind.

The other is very confused.

But maybe the cats in their life will help them heal and learn who they really are.

Or maybe something by fate of blood.

Because blood is thinker then sorrow right.


Me and Law whent home. We got home and saw Corasan asleep.

"We can talk about what happened in the morning Luffy-ya" Law mewed quietly jumping on the bed.

We both crawled into bed snuggling into Corasan and felling fast asleep.


I awoke snuggling up to Marco. I jumped up and hurried and backed away.

"Is everything alright yoi" Marco mewed stretching.

"Yeah it's just um" I flatten my ears.

"How did I get here and sleeping next to you" I mewed quietly my tail wagged back and forth as I turned away with a hint of heat on my face.

"Oh you don't remember" he mewed sadly sitting in his nest.

"Remember what" I say titling my head.

"Your brother... Last night.. Learning he's a house cat... Metal breakdown" his tail raping his tail around his legs.

"Ha my brother a house cat yah right good joke Marco" I turned and stared at Marco gave me a straight face.

"Don't tell me thats the truth come on Marco you have to be pulling my leg" I chirped.

Marco shook his head "no it's all true.. I'm sorry Ace yoi".

"What" I flattened my ears.

"That's right.. and I yelled at lu...and I told him he's not my brother" I slowly backed away.

"Wh... What have I done" I cried out.

Unintentionally unsething my claws.

"Easy Ace calm down" Marco said standing moving slowly towards me.

I back away from him "I'm a horrible brother... But if he whants to be a weak housed at then fine let him be one" I hisst out.

"Ace" Marco cried out.

"Huh what is it Marco"

"You don't really think that yoi" rubbing his head on my side.

"Why wouldn't I" moving away from Marco.

"Because all this time you've been looking for him yoi" he hissed standing up.

"Yeah so" I grumbled out.

"You love him Ace he's your brother and that might have been your last chance to see him and did you do yoi.... You told him that he wasn't your brother yoi"

I sat down my ears on my skull.

"What have I done Marco"

Someone padded into the den.

"Marco, Ace your up are you willing to go on the evening patrol" Izou mewed.

"I'm up for it .. What about you Ace yoi" Marco mewed flicking his tail.

"Yah I'll go I've slept to long any ways" I mewed going out of the den followed by Marco and Izou.


I woke up with Corasan and Luffy gone.

Luffy-ya" I yell out no answer. I spring to my paws and scurried off the bed.

I run into the kitchen and see luffy eating. I slow my pase.

"Luffy-ya" I mewed patting up to him. "Law" Luffy said with a mouth full.

"Don't eat with a mouth full..Hay how are you" I ask sitting beside him.

"Hmm" he says swallowing. "You know last night" I say quietly.

Luffy's ears fall flat on top of his skull.

"I see" I say sitting down. "Do you want to talk about it" I ask flicking my tail.

"Did I do something wrong Law" he asked looking up at me.

"No no you didn't Lu-ya of course not" I say liking his head.

"Did I make the right decision" he chirped laying down.

I sighed "Luffy-ay that's something only you can answer" I say laying down and continuing to groom him.

A few minutes of silence of me just grooming him.

"I guess I feel like my place is here with Torao" he chirped leaning into me.

"Torao" I ask tilting my head.

"Yah Torao thats your first name isn't" he says.

"Who told you that" I ask looking at him.

"The talking box" he chirped happily. His tail swing side to side.

"Oh you mean the tv" I say stretching.

"Yah the talking box any way they said you were called Torao D water Law" he said sitting up.

"Oh then I guess I can call you strawhat-ya" I joke. "Really" he says with stars in his eyes. I smirk "if you want to. "

"Yes yes Torao I want to" he says jumping up and down.

"Ok ok I didn't think you would get this excited Strawhat-ya" I say playfully pining him to the ground and liking him.

"Hay stop it" he hisst playfully trying to get me off.

"One day I'll be as big as you and you can't do this any more" he says trying to squirm away.

"Oh really" I say letting him go.

"Yes.. In fact you'll be the one being licked" he mewed getting up.

"Hay do you want to go hunting" I ask.

"Hu.. Why we have plenty of food" he said confused.

"I thought it would be fun" I mewed happily.

"Oh.. Um sure but I don't know how to hunt" he says looking down at his paws.

"That's ok I can teach you how to hunt" I say putting my nose to his.

He nods.

"Come on Strawhat-ya I'll race you out side" I say running.

"Hay that's no fair" he says caching up to me.


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