𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨: 𝐈𝐜𝐞-𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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It's been 5 days since Jason came to our house. Honestly, I'm quite glad that he hasn't been here for a while. I would much rather have him fifty feet away from me at all times.

Today my mom and I are going to get some ice cream. We haven't gone out for a while and this summer heat is killing me.

After 20 minutes I was finally ready. I wore light wash denim shorts with a cropped baby pink t-shirt.

I was excited to finally be able to hang out with my mom without Jason being there. Little did I know, I was so wrong.

I was about to sit in the passenger seat when I saw my mom sitting there. I furrowed my eyebrow until I saw Jason sitting in the driver's seat. He passed me that same grin he gave me when he came upstairs that day.

I secretly rolled my eyes but unfortunately, my mom noticed. She urged me to sit in the back which I did while slamming her door shut.

I sat in the back seat with a moody face. Why did he have to be here?

As Jason was reversing the car I looked out my window with a bored expression. However, I felt this harsh stare on me.

I looked back towards the front of the car just to see Jason looking at me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. He was smirking. What the hell.

The next thing he did made my heart sink to my stomach. He put his hand on my mom's thigh while she smiled at him. But this whole time he was looking at me. His eyes never left me. They had something hidden in them again. The same thing that was hidden in his eyes when he came over for lunch.

I was fuming in anger right now. Eventually, Jason focused on driving but would occasionally look back at me through the rearview mirror and smile. That smile disgusted me. How can my mom even like this guy? He's so gross.

After 10 minutes we finally reached the ice cream shop. I ordered a strawberry ice cream with white chocolate chips while my mom ordered a mint cholate chip ice cream. I was waiting for Jason to order when he said

"Oh, I don't want anything. I just wanted to spend time with you guys."

He said that with that same disgusting grin. My mom somehow looked at him in awe while I rolled my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time. While waiting for our orders Jason hugged my mom which she gladly accepted.

"I'm so lucky to have you, honey," Jason genuinely said while still hugging my mom.

But his eyes were stuck on me. He emphasized the words "have" "you" and "honey" while staring right into my soul. Just as the atmosphere got more awkward our orders were finally here.

"Babe would you like to try some of my ice cream" my mom sweetly asked Jason.

He smiled and nodded. While trying some of her ice cream and he seductively sucked the ice cream off the spoon. I looked away in disgust until he said

"Delicious, this is my new favorite flavor babe."

My mom was so distracted by his so-called cute response that she didn't notice him looking at me and smirking while saying that entire phrase.

I had to leave this room right now.

"Mom I'm going to the bathroom, okay?" I told my mom with a calm tone that hinted a sense of my rushing desire to leave.

She didn't anything and just nodded with a smile on her face.

I immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom.

As soon as I entered the bathroom I quickly hid in one of the stalls trying not to make much noise.

I hated that man's stares. Why was he looking at me like that? I'm literally his girlfriend's daughter. Show some respect man.

I didn't want to go back out there. I kept thinking about what was in his dark eyes. That look. I can't seem to forget it. It's so fierce yet horrifying. I have never seen that look ever in my 16 years of life.

It then hit me.


Being seductive.

Creppy grins.

I know what was in his eyes.

It was like a predator eyeing its prey. Except his hungry eyes showed something else.


Jason Crawford, that disgusting man had lust in his eyes.

I absolutely despise this man. I'm so uncomfortable. I don't ever want him to be near me again. But I can't do anything. This guy is my mom's happiness.

After my dad died, my mom was heartbroken. She almost went into depression. But just before that she met Jason. I was finally able to see her smile in what felt like a million years. I can't tear away my mom's happiness. It'll crush me more. But I can't take his behavior either.

God, I don't know what to do. I hate this. I hate this so much. I feel like ripping Jason's eyes out and stabbing them with multiple knives. His disgusting soul deserves it anyways. I can't believe my mom fell in love with such a person. How could her standards drop so low?

I realized that I'd been in the bathroom for over 10 minutes. I think it's time to go back out even though my heart is begging me not to.

As soon as I stepped outside the bathroom I saw him. That same disgusting man. Jason Crawford was standing outside the bathroom.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Avery. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay." Jason spoke to me in what he thought was a comforting tone when in reality it just made me more uncomfortable.

"I'm fine." I spoke quickly and walked back to the car without sparing a glance at him or my mom.

If you're wondering about my ice cream I threw it away. I didn't have the appetite to eat it after seeing Jason. The only downside to that is that I just wasted my mom's money. I know she works hard to provide for me but I just couldn't eat that ice cream after being stared at like that.

My mom was clearly upset with my behavior but I could care less. The whole car ride was silent. But not a peaceful silence. It was an awkward and uncomfortable silence that I really wanted to get rid of.

After 10 minutes we finally reached home. Without wasting a second I ran upstairs and locked my room. I was raging. I never want to see Jason again. I don't care about my mom's feelings right now. I know it's selfish but right now I just want to erase him from my mind.

Around 2 minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I expected it to be my mom so I opened the door.

Biggest mistake ever.

"Avery what the hell was that?" my mom asked me in a strict and scary voice.

"What was what mom?" I replied back and looked at her with a cold stare.

And that's when she bursted.

"Avery why are you so mean to him?! I get it that you miss your dad but enough is enough! It's like you don't even care about my feelings anymore!" my mom spat out in one breath.


That hurt.

My own mom just yelled at me for her boyfriend. I couldn't take it anymore. She had already left the room. She probably went to call Jason and apologize for my behavior. My mind is stuck on one thing though.

Why was there lust in Jason Crawford's eyes?

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