𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩

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I woke up around 7 am. 

I had barely slept. I couldn't sleep well after what happened last night. 

The first thing I did was wear some clothes. I couldn't do that yesterday because of pain. I limped to my closet and wore sweatpants and a hoodie. I know it's literally summer but I wanted to feel secure and covered. I also knew that Jason was probably still sleeping so I quickly got my phone and called my mom. 

I was praying that she picked up. But she didn't. I called again and she still didn't pick up. I tried one final time and she finally picked up.

"Avery I'm really busy right now-" my mom stated but was cut off by my sobs.

"M-mom?" I uttered with all the energy I had left.

"Avery what happened?" my mom replied with a scared voice

"M-mom I n-need you b-back r-right now." I told her while stuttering.

My mom knew something was up. She knows I never cry unless it's something serious or I'm deeply hurt.

"Honey, can you tell me what happened?" my mom asked me while trying to calm me down.

"He r-raped me Mom." I replied to her while bursting out into tears.

I heard her gasp. I know she's in shock right now.

"B-baby I'm on my way right now. I'll be there before night. Go to your friend's house for now " my mom assured me.

I was about to reply to her when I heard Jason coming. I quickly hung up the phone in fear of being caught and acted calm when he walked in.

"Morning Sweetie!" Jason greeted me in his disgusting voice.

He came near me and my body froze. He was about to kiss me until he noticed the phone in my hands. His eyes darkened.

"Did you call anyone?" Jason asked me in a scary voice.

I shook my head but he could tell I was lying.

"It seems like you need a punishment." he told me with a smirk on his face.

I widened my eyes. He quickly snatched my phone and locked my room from the outside. I banged on my door and tried to make him let me out but it was of no use. I stayed in my room all day with no contact with anyone and no food. I had a bottle of water on my side table which I would take a sip from occasionally since I didn't want to waste it. 

I stared at the clock in my room and saw that I have been here for 12 hours. It was 7 pm. I prayed that my mom would be here soon. I heard footsteps. 

Oh my god. 

Is it my mom? 

Is she finally here? 

The door opened and all my hopes got crushed. 

It was Jason.

"I know you may be a bit hungry so I'm here." Jason spoke to me with his perverted tone.

Fear had started rushing through my veins. Jason had locked the door. He came towards me while I was terrified.

"I thought we should have a bit of fun." Jason stared at me while revealing his idea of fun.


He grabbed my hands and pinned me against a wall. I was in shock and he took this opportunity to handcuff my wrists. 

Now that my hands were out of his way he started caressing my body. I tried resisting him but with the state, my hands were in I couldn't. He decided to grab my butt and squeeze it. He seemed unsatisfied seeing me in covered clothing so he started taking off my hoodie. He was easily able to do that since my arms were already up above my head. 

Under my hoodie was just my bra. He ripped it off again. Just like he did last night. 

He looked at me with his hungry, full of lust eyes. 

He started sucking my boobs again while I silently cried. I didn't make a single noise. I just silently released all of my pain. He continued sucking my boobs until we heard a loud thud. We both looked towards my door just to see it broken. 

Standing there was my mom and the cops. They had a look of pure horror on their faces. It was like it all played in slow motion. Before I knew it I was out of the handcuffs and in my mom's embrace. The cops had Jason pinned to the ground.

"Mr. Crawford you are under arrest for rape and sexual assault." one of the officer's words echoed throughout the room.

Within seconds he was gone. And that's when I had my breakdown. 

My mom was hugging me tightly while sobbing. I was sobbing. She quickly covered me with my hoodie and hugged me again. There were still a few officers outside of my room. They probably wanted me to answer some questions for them. My mom was about to send them away until I spoke up.

"I'm ready to answer your questions, officers." I spoke in a confident voice.

Everyone was shocked. 

After experiencing something so traumatic how can I answer questions right now? 

My mom walked me to my bed and I was ready to be asked these questions. I patiently waited for them to speak and after 2 minutes they finally started asking their questions.

"Ms. Lewis, would you like to press charges?" 

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