𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐭

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Weeks passed by and my mom was feeling better than ever. 

I was slowly starting to trust Jason. 

All three of us would go out often and spend time together. I started loving the feeling of being like a complete family all over again. 

Although no man on this planet could ever replace my dad, I started to believe that Jason being here with us isn't that bad. 

Everything was going great until my mom made an announcement one night while we were having dinner.

"Avery honey, can I tell you something?" my mom asked me while showing slight hesitance in her voice.

"Sure what is it, mom?" I asked her while taking a bite of my favorite alfredo pasta.

"I'll be going on a business trip tomorrow." she stated briefly.

I choked on my food while she passed me a glass of water.

"Oh my god, Avery! Are you okay?" she asked me with concern clearly in her voice.

I nodded quickly so she wouldn't worry. But deep down I wasn't okay. She hasn't gone on a business trip in over three years. I don't know how I feel about her leaving again.

"I'll be gone for only a week baby." my mom assured me.

I sighed deeply and agreed with her. I was about to drink my water but was suddenly interrupted by my mom.

"Oh by the way sweetie Jason will be staying here until then." she calmly stated.

I nearly choked for the second time. 

I know I treat Jason like family but I really don't want to be alone with him. 

I was about to deny the offer but stopped myself as I didn't want to stress my mom out. 

After eating I simply went to my room and fell asleep. I was already really tired today and after hearing what my mom said I just wanted to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and saw that my mom was almost ready to leave.

As I made my way downstairs I saw her and Jason talking. Within a few minutes, she bid us goodbye and left the house. 

Now it was only me and Jason in the house. The atmosphere was very awkward. The silence was just uncomfortable. I

 decided to break the silence and ask Jason if he wanted anything to eat. 

He looked at me straight in the eyes and said the most shocking statement ever.

"You." he boldly stated.

I looked shocked until I heard him laughing.

"Avery I was just kidding." he told me while laughing.

I didn't want to make the situation more awkward so I just laughed it off but deep down I was so uncomfortable. 

Eventually, the day went by and I mostly spent it in my room. Jason was downstairs working on his laptop when I asked him if he wanted to have dinner. He said that he had already ordered pizza for us and wanted to know if I wanted to watch a movie with him. I agreed since I was bored anyways. 

While we were waiting for the pizza Jason started a horror movie. 

Oh my god.

I forgot to tell him that I hate horror movies. 

I was about to stop him from continuing the movie but the doorbell had rung. 

We assumed that it was the pizza so Jason went to go get it. 

By then I knew that I would just have to deal with it and watch the movie. 

Half an hour passed and the movie was killing me. There were so many jumpscares and blood was in every single scene. I was hiding behind a pillow and looked to my right just to see Jason calmly enjoying the movie. Just then a creepy witch appeared on the screen causing me to flinch badly and scream at the top of my lungs. 

This shocked Jason and he came near me. But what he did shocked me more. 

He put his hand on my thigh and asked if I was okay. 

I just nodded and waited for him to move his hand. 

But he never did. 

His hand rested on my thigh for a good ten minutes. He kept caressing it and occasionally squeezed it. I was so scared. What the hell is he doing. 

He let go eventually but I was still disgusted. 

How could this man just touch me like that? 

Was that supposed to be comforting? 

Because if it was then that for sure didn't work. 

If anything I'm just tenser now. 

After another hour the movie ended. I told Jason goodnight and rushed upstairs. I kept looking at my thighs. I couldn't believe it. I thought he was nice. I didn't think he was actually so perverted. 

But wait. What if I'm overreacting? No, I can't be. He had absolutely no right to do that. 

Oh my god. 

What is happening? 

Jason hasn't acted like this since we went to the ice cream shop that day. I thought he changed. I thought that I just misunderstood him. 

Did he really just lie in front of my mom? 

Was everything just an act? 

What's wrong with you Jason Crawford?

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