𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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It was almost 9 am when I woke up.

As much as I love sleeping in I simply can't after last night.

I was brought back to reality when I smelt pancakes. I assumed that Jason was already cooking. I quickly freshened up and went downstairs.

"Oh good morning sweetie- I mean Avery." Jason greeted me in a sweet voice.

Did he just call me sweetie?

Did he hit his head somewhere?

What is wrong with this guy?

"Morning." I spoke in an emotionless voice.

He was clearly confused by my tone but shook it off. He served me 3 pancakes and we were eating in silence for 10 minutes until he broke the silence.

"Avery, do you want to go to the mall today?" Jason asked me.

I thought for a moment before replying.

"Sure." I replied quickly.

I didn't want to stay there much longer so I left as soon as I finished eating and went upstairs to get ready. I decided to wear beige shorts with a black crop top. I spent about 15 minutes changing and doing my hair.

I heard a honk outside indicating that Jason is probably ready. I rushed downstairs and put on my favorite white sneakers. I made my way out and sat in the passenger seat. The mall was about 20 minutes away and since I like sleeping in I decided to take a quick nap. As expected I fell asleep within 2 minutes.

I was peacefully sleeping until I felt another hand on my thigh. It was none other than Jason. He squeezed my thigh and urged me to get up. I quickly bolted up and got out of the car.

This is the second time he has done this.

I just hate his touch.

It's so scary.

I brushed off my thoughts as I noticed Jason heading into the mall.

The first shop we went into was a men's exclusive store. I look around and have never seen so many male bodies in one room. Well obviously there will be men here, it's a men's store. I awkwardly followed Jason around while getting weird stares from some of the guys. Not perverted stares though. They were stares of confusion. And that's probably because it's weird for me to be here. As if it wasn't awkward enough Jason went to the boxers section. I looked away feeling a bit uncomfortable. Luckily he picked out whatever he wanted within a minute and we headed to the register.

"Could you add something to this order?" Jason asked the male cashier.

The cashier was confused but after a second nodded. I'm expecting that Jason must have whispered something to him but I could care less. This isn't any of my business anyways. The cashier tucked something into the packaging of the boxers and charged Jason a bit extra. Again I didn't really care so I just waited for them to finish so I could head to my favorite store.

"Avery are you ready to go?" Jason asked me calmly.

I nodded and started walking towards my favorite store in the entire mall. It's a dress store. I have always been fond of dresses and really hope to get one today. My mom is quite strict about me wearing certain dresses but I just wanted some freedom right now.

We finally arrived in front of the store and without wasting a second I walked in and started exploring.


The dresses here are gorgeous and affordable. Some of the dresses are really revealing while some are more covered. While looking through the racks I saw this black silk dress that I knew I absolutely had to have. I ran towards it and grabbed it as if it were to run away any second.

Oh my god! It's even in my size.

I quickly turned to Jason and told him that I wanted this dress. He offered to pay for it but I took $40 out of my wallet and paid for it. We then left the store and walked around the mall for another hour.

Deep down I really wanted to go home. I wanted to try on this dress. Honestly, anything other than this dress didn't really matter in the moment.

We didn't end up buying anything else so we just went home.

As soon as we were close to my house I was ready to jump out of the car. When I said I love dresses I really meant it. I told Jason that I would be upstairs trying on the dress to which he agreed with. He said he had something important to do so I just nodded and went upstairs.

I locked the door and started changing. I was so excited to see myself in this dress. I finally got it on and opened my long brown hair which was earlier tied in a bun. I was ready to look at myself in the mirror and was beyond shocked.

Oh my god. I look stunning!

The dress hugs me in all the right places and really makes my body look like an hourglass. I can't believe this is actually me.

While I was admiring myself I heard a noise outside my window. I opened the curtains and went to look at it but I realized that my windows were tinted. That's weird. This wasn't here before. I can't see outside.

Suddenly the lights turn off. I started to get scared. I'm not a huge fan of the dark but I can handle it. I was walking towards the light switch when I bumped into something.

It wasn't my bed though.

It wasn't my dresser.

It felt like a chest.

Oh my god.

It's Jason.

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