the start of everything

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Inko smiled while seeing her kids jumping around. It was fair for them they were afterall going to know what was there gift, their ability, their quirk.

"Let's go izuku when we get our quirk we will be best duo and with kacchan we will be best trio. Ahh I am so excited. You are too right"

Izuku nodded repeatedly with his all might statue in hand.

After the test the trio were waiting for the doctor. The kids eyes sparkled when they saw him coming and sitting in front of them.

"I hope you didn't wait alot. Now mrs. Midoriya I will tell you the results" the doctor eyed both the kids and winked at them. They both giggled.

"So whom do we tell first" both kids yells their own names. He laughed and so did inko. "Well ladies first so izumi" "haai" "well your quirk is mixed of your parents from what I see in the report scientifically we call it pyrokinesis you child can manipulate any lit fire"

"Wow izumi you quirk is great" izuku started to mumble along on how much fire could be manipulated and how much it would be of help. Izumi continuesly nodded taking in information.

"Well izuku here though got a very mutated version of your quirk it's ESP He can do telekensis, mind communication, trigger, force field, and such."

" What is trigger"

"Well it's like he can show someone part of their life which happened and with enough practice maybe make memories. Their was a hero with a same trigger quirk if I remember it. A very good person"

"Means I can fly and talk in mind"

"Yes you can but because it's a very much metal quirk it will take time in open up. For example it can happen in stages. When you start practicing at first you are able to use telekensis then force field then communication or the other way around

One interesting thing though your kids have a rare quirk I mean it's a rare thing that kids gain two quirk and it's even rare to trigger a quirk where two people have a condition to fulfill. Like in the kids case they have a combination quirk in which they can make fire but the place where they make fire will be the last place one of them touched and when making flame they themselves need to be in a physical touch even if it's just rings though it will take a lot of practice because to make this flame you both will have to have same thought and place of fire in mind"

"Whoa" doctor sighed and drunk some water before picking up the slate. "Okay tell me what will you name your quirks"

Izumi spoke first "I will keep pryokensis as it is"

"It's pryokensis" "hmm"

"I think we will keep the combination quirk as ignite" "quite a name you thought kid then what is yours ESP?"

Izuku shook his head and looked at izumi then at doctor"I will name it "quirkless""

Everyone looked at him"but why "

"No reason or a tribute"

"As you wish kid but don't regret"

Quirk Or QuirklessWhere stories live. Discover now