Chapter 5- Little time to prepare

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~~~Edwards POV~~~

We didn't have long until he Volturi would arrive, they were on there're way at this very moment. We didn't have time to prepare like last time. We had to be ready right now. Everyone were panicking. But I knew that's not what we needed to do. We needed to prepare. Keep Renesmee safe. A sudden thought of Jacobs flashed into my mind.

"No way Jacob." I growled with fury, how could he even think like that.

"What did he think?" my wife asked me gently.

I didn't want this idea in my wife's mind, but I knew that if I didnt tell her, then Jacob would.

"He thinks that we should all face the Volturi whilst him and Renesmee run away and hide." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, maybe..."

"No Bella."

I couldn't believe she was considering letting her own daughter go when she was still under the age of 1.

"But Edward if you think about it, it'll be safer for Renesmee."

"They're getting close." Alice interrupted.

"Come on Edward. Think about it. What would be safest for our daughter?"

I had to think about this.

"But still." I moaned.

"Come on Edward," Rosalie joined in, "Ness isnt very likely to encounter the Volturi again and come back alive is she?"

"Rose, how could you think like that?"

"Edward calm down. Just think." said Carlisle. "They are right, it would be safer for Renesmee if she was as far away as possible. And if you or Bella or any of us went with her, the Volturi would pick up her scent. But if Jacob were to go, then he would disguise her scent." okay, now Carlisle kinda had a point.

"Fine," I finally huffed, defeated.

"Renesmee honey," my wife called, " come to mommy and daddy. I followed Renesmee and my wife into the next room.

"Honey," Bella started, " How do you feel about having a long holiday with Jacob?" Bella asked Renesmee.

"Yeah, yeah, mommy." Ness jumped up and down. "Now now now!!! Yay yay yay!"

"But mommy and daddy wouldn't be there." I stopped the fun.

"What? Why?" she asked.

"Um, yeah, why wont we be there Edward?" my wife stuttered. I gave her a glare.

"Um, cos we have some work to do honey. Is that alright?"

"Um, yeah I guess so."

I took my daughters hand and lead her back into the other room where Jacob was waiting to take her.

I read Alice's mind to find out that we only had a couple hours till the Volturi would reach the house.

"Bella, I'll be right back, wait here."

I ran through the thick forestation, over the lake and to my cottage, where I zoomed straight to Ness's room. I sat down on her soft wooden bed. I clutched her delicate special doll. I spotted the picture frame that Rose and Emmet got her as a little treat. Ness had filled it with a neat little photo of her and Jacob. Jacob really did care for Nessie, and he wanted her to be safe. And I knew that no harm would come to her whilst Jacob was around.

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