Chapter 6 - a new start to a new life

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~~~Jacob's POV~~~

I had my instructions. Run.

I had to get away from here right this second. Edward went to pack Ness's stuff, and Bella and Esme went to pack us some food, and Alice and Jasper were going to lend us some money. I'm pretty sure Sam wouldn't b happy that I ran away, but I'm sure he'll understand, as Renesmee is my imprint.

I haven't told her yet, I think it'll destroy our relationship, but maybe this would bring us closer together, maybe I'll get to tell her.

I was scared, but I knew I had to keep Nessie safe, if she got hurt I would kill myself, I could never forgive myself, my life is dedicated to her. No one else but her.

All I am ever thinking about is how beautifull Renesmee is, and how happy we could be when Ness is older.

"Jacob," Bella inturrupted my thoughts, "Can I talk to you please, in private?" she asked.

"Ofcourse, I replied.

She led me outside and deep into the Forrest.

"Whats up Bells." I asked her.

"Jacob, earlier when Edward tried not to let you take away Renesmee, the only reason I am letting you, is because I trust you. I trust you to look after my daughter, and not let any harm come to her. You promised you would not let any harm come to her, so if that promise is broken, you will become my Sunday roast.

Jacob I love you, and you know that, and I know you love me, so please don't let anything happen to Nessie. I'm gonna miss you Jacob, I think that Edward might even miss you a little bit too. I hope to one day see you again, I'm gonna miss you Jacob,"

And at this moment, if she could cry, Bella would have made a swimming pool, she crushed her body against mine, squeezing me tight, tearlessly sobbing.

I didn't know what to say, it was now obvious how big of a responsibility this was. And I knew, that if anything happened to Ness, I wouldn't be alive much longer.

I couldn't say anything except,

"Thanks, I love you bells."

Bella smiled at me, and we made our way back to the house, where we found Ness giving Esme a hug. She a a cute little coat on, and a smallish rucksack on her back.

"Grandma," Ness started, "Are you coming with me and Jacob?"

"No sweetheart, it's only going to be Jacob and you. Is that alright baby?"

"Grandma, I'm scared, why can't all of you come?"

"we have stuff to do darling, but I promise you will see us soon."

Edward dragged me to the side, and stuffed a small black cell phone into my hand.

"Keep in touch with us, tell us how you are doing, and we can tell you how you are doing."

I nodded my head.

Bella was now saying goodbye to Nessie, and she then passed her to me.

"Jacob," Ness asked, "what's going to happen to us?"

"Nothing, Ness, we're just going on holiday!"

I put her down, i suddenly got scared, I didn't know what to do. I didn't think I should phase , but I had no mode of transport. I didn't have a passport to get into other countries. I realised I didn't know what to do.

Everyone started to go outside, and Renesmee took my hand pulled me along. Once outside, Edward gave me the keys of a car.

"What's this?" I asked confused.

"It's the keys to your new car."

"My what?"

"Well, okay, it was Alice's, but she's happily gonna lend it to you, as long ad it means keeping Nessie safe."

I pressed the unlock button on the keys, and a shiny yellow porche flashed. Wow!

"Thanks Alice!"

"That's okay, but just know that if u wreck the car, I'll wreck you!"

Bella strapped Nessie onto the passenger seat, and I slipped into the front.

"Bye Honey," Bella cried, she closed the door, and that was that.

I grabbed Renesmee's hand,

"Come on Ness, it's a new start, and a new life."

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