Part 2

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You and Eddie had been almost inseparable aside from your evening shifts at the diner and his D&D campaigns. But he had finally convinced you to come and try out a game tomorrow night.

His uncle was almost always out of town, which worked out well considering your mom worked constantly. She'd met Eddie and though she was wary of his "scary" exterior at first and how much time you were spending with him, she loved how happy you were, and she trusted you to make good decisions.

"We could play hookie, princess. Don't you wanna stay in bed all day? Right here... with me?" Eddie asks with a raspy, sleep-coated voice as he looks up at you with a sexy smile and those sweet doe eyes. You give him your best attempt at a disapproving look as he strokes his hands over your bare back, not making it easy to tell him no.

"We can do this," he says as he kisses your jawline, "and this," kissing lower onto your neck, "and even this," he breathes against your collarbone before attempting to suck a small bruise onto the skin. You pull away despite your heart's most desperate desires to stay and let him have his way with you.

"What is this sorcery?" You giggle, letting your head fall against his warm chest as it shakes with his giddy laughter. He doesn't let up his charming ministrations for even a second, playing with your hair with his free hand as he continues rubbing soothing strokes up and down your spine - coaxing you to stay instead of facing Hawkins High on this bright, early Thursday morning.

"I want to. You know I want to... But we can't, Eds. We have finals coming up, and you have to really buckle down so you can walk that stage with me next week," you say as you reach up to place your hand on his face.

A corner of his lips pulled upward into a smirk as his sleepy eyes scanned your features. "You know, I hate when you're right. How dare you woo me with your alluring looks and speak with logic and reason. Witch!"

You squeal as Eddie suddenly attacks your sides, tickling you with the same fingers that were just strumming your clit and teasing your nipples an hour ago.

You managed to wiggle free, rolling out of his bed to fetch your clothes and start getting ready for school as Eddie reluctantly follows you in doing the same. He playfully slaps your ass as you stand in front of the floor length mirror hanging on his door, placing soft kisses on your neck whilst you tie your hair back.

You drop your arms to cover his as they snake around your waist, holding you against his chest as you both admire the reflection of each other like this.

"Gorgeous," he says as his eyes focus on your face in the mirror, placing a kiss on your temple as you lean into him. "And mine."

You hum sweetly at his possessive comment while your hand moves into his mess of curls momentarily, scrubbing his scalp a few times as he growls. "Don't start something you can't finish..."

"Come on, lover boy. Don't wanna miss the first bell," you retort, giggling as you pull him from the trailer - a pathetic puppy dog look across his face.


It had already been a long day of classes. Math and science had basically bored you into submission and you couldn't wait for the energizing lunch period ahead of you. You'd eat, you'd chat with your buddies, and best of all, you'd get to see Eddie in one of the elements he thrived in - discussing his special interests with the members of Hellfire Club, his humor and exuberance on display for them and anyone sitting too close to witness.

You walked through the large double doors, the buzz of teenagers talking and shouting filling your ears as you squeezed by groups and cliques, looking for your usual table.

Teach Me (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now