Part 4

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"Jesus, could they have made these any smaller?" Eddie asked with genuine frustration as he tucked the graduation cap under his arm, trying hard to slick down the top of his unruly hair so it would fit beneath the hat.

"Want some help?" You asked with a stifled giggle, Eddie turning from the mirror and handing you the comb with a huff.

"Please. I don't even know why I have to wear the damn thing," he sighed as he knelt down so you could reach his head.

You grabbed some bobby pins from your bag to try and secure the cap without flattening his volume at all costs.

"Because it's part of graduating, baby," you smiled, lifting his face to make sure you were putting the cap on straight.

He pulled at the collar of the dress shirt Steve had lent him uncomfortably. "And why is this so itchy?"

"Because it's not a band tee with the neck cut out," you teased, securing the hat with a final pin and giving it a little tug. "There, that should stay."

He stood up straight, turning and observing himself in the mirror of the drama classroom you'd used to get ready.

"I look like a dweeb."

"Hottest dweeb I've ever seen," you smirk as you wrap your arms around his middle, earning a cheeky grin as he threw his arm over your shoulders.

"You ready?" You asked sweetly as you pulled on your own cap, making your way toward the door. Eddie looked back at the mirror a final time, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah. Onward," he said proudly as he grabbed your hand and eagerly led you out into the hallway, toward the gymnasium.


You sat between Eddie and Jeff, nerves bundled in your stomach as the valedictorians were introduced. You could feel Eddie's disgust radiation off of him as Jason made his way to the podium for his speech.

"Fellow graduates... what a ride it's been. Hawkins has endured some hard stuff through our high school career, and yet - here we are anyway. We should be proud," he said smugly, his eyes roaming the faces of the graduating class before him. Eddie scoffed, folding his arms over his chest.

"Ignore him. This is our day," you whispered, leaning over so only Eddie could hear you. He sighed, reaching his hand over to place it on your leg.

"Ours," he whispered in agreeance as you slipped your hand into his.

"So let's celebrate our victories, may they be big..." Jason said as he motioned to the sports jocks, "Or small..." he said with a mock tone, his eyes falling right on Eddie as he said it.

Eddie tensed at Jason's jab, squeezing your hand as you looked up at him with worried eyes. "Don't react, baby. Let it go."

He gritted his teeth, his eyes staying locked onto Jason's as the jock chuckled into the microphone. He went on with the rest of his speech, but you were too focused on Eddie to hear any of it.

"Class of '86... Go and be great," Jason finished, the crowd rising to their feet with applause as it was time to make your way to the stage. Jason threw you and Eddie a glare as he walked by your row of seats on the way back to his own.


Eddie was next to receive his diploma, making his way up the stairs of the stage when Principal Higgins announced his name.

"Edward Munson," Higgins said, holding his hand out as Eddie crossed the stage, the gym coming alive with applause and cheers. You could make out Dustin and Mike's high pitched yelling, and the rest of the Hellfire Club that began to chant, "Dun-Geon-Mast-Ter!"

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