Teach Me - Part 3

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You gave yourself one last look-over in the floor length mirror, adjusting the Hellfire Club shirt Eddie had given you. It fit well, and you'd paired it with black jeans with ripped knees and your favorite pair of converse. You huffed after hearing the horn blare outside for the 3rd time, running out to where Steve was waiting in your driveway, impatiently throwing his hands about. Dustin waved from the passenger seat as you hopped in the back.

"Alright, alright! Jeez, what's got you so uptight, Harrington?" You huffed as you tossed your bag in the floorboard.

"Nothing, you were just taking forever. I don't see why you couldn't just ride with Eddie," Steve said annoyed as Dustin grinned widely.

"Because he always stays after school to set up his campaign," Dustin said matter-of-factly.

"And he insisted I go home so he wouldn't 'bore me to tears'... I tried to stay and help, but he's stubborn," you say with a thoughtful smile as you glance out the window at his trailer.

"Okay, well, I do have a life, ya know. I'm not just the babysitter," Steve said as he rolled his eyes, throwing his hand over Dustin's headrest as he backed out of your yard.

"In other words, Steve's got a date," Dustin chirped, causing you to raise your eyebrows at your voluminous-haired friend in front of you.

"Oooooh, do tell, King Steve!" You said eagerly as he shook his head. "Who's the lucky girl?"

Steve just ignored you, turning the music up a bit louder as he headed toward the school.

You pushed open the door of the borrowed chemistry classroom, confused when you saw a dark, seemingly empty room. Dustin shuffled in behind you, Mike and Lucas pushing past as they began setting their things up on the desks that were pushed together in the middle of the room.

"Where's Eddie?" You asked Erica, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, he'll be here. Don't worry," Gareth rolled his eyes as they began to sit around the tables.

You took your new seat to the right of the Dungeon Master's throne as the stage lights flipped on with a dramatic buzz.

"There he is," Dustin laughed, shaking his head as you looked around for your eccentric boyfriend.

"Good evening, fellow heroes..." Eddie's deep voice boomed as he strode into view, his boots heavy on the tile flooring. With a few quick leaps, he hopped up into his large chair, towering over the rest of the group as he glanced down at you and Erica with a smirk and a bow. "Lady heroes..."

You gulped as he dramatically fell down into a seated position, splaying his fingers out as he placed his palms down on the tabletop.

"I trust you've each brought your gall, your wit, and most importantly - your thirst for destruction. There is no room for missteps, no leniency for hiccups, and certainly no mercy in the presence of the Cult. Of. Vecna." Eddie's voice was dripping with theatrics as he hissed the words, punctuating them with priceless expressions.

Your eyes grew wide as you turned to Dustin on your right, who just nodded reassuringly at you. "You got this," he whispered.

Eddie's eyes tracked Dustin's face and landed on you as you gave him a mousey expression.

"What's this?" He asked as he tipped his chin up theatrically. "An unfamiliar face... And quite pretty too," he says with a smirk as he leans back in his chair. "But do you have what it takes to defend and defeat?"

You quirked a brow as you felt a bit of confidence surge knowing that your team had your back.

"Sorry, are we here to talk shit to each other or are we actually gonna roll some dice?" You asked with narrowed eyes as the rest of the party burst into scattered oooohs and laughter at Eddie's expense. "'Cause if I didn't know any better, I'd think you wanted to kiss me right now."

Teach Me (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now