Romeo and his Merry Men

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"This is possibly the worst idea you've ever had Hizashi!" Tensei shouted.

"You underestimate me Tensei. Honestly, when have I ever had a 'bad idea'?" Hizashi grinned down to his friend.

"Do you seriously want us to answer that bro?" Oboro strained.

The three of them were currently stacked on eachother's shoulders. With Tensei at the bottom and Oboro then Hizashi balancing on top.

Oboro had tried to lighten the load a little with his clouds but it didn't end up helping since he couldn't concentrate enough to keep them solid.

"Just a little to the left please Tensei!" Hizashi shouted.

"We're loosing balance here!" Tensei said.

"Just embrace your inner ladder!" Hizashi grinned.

"I don't have an inner ladder!!"

"Well find one okay! This is really important!"

The blue haired boy groaned but did as he was told.

"I still don't get Ack- why we didn't just USE THE DOOR!?" Oboro shouted angrily.

"Because the window is more romantic! Trust me, this is the way to unexpectedly drop in on Shouta."

"You boys may want to keep it down." Nemuri said. "Otherwise you may accidentally bring Shouta's DAD to the window with all of this noise."

"Yeah that's why you're on lookout Nem. Just carry on checking around to see if someone's coming." Hizashi said. He looked forward at the window and could just about see Shouta's silhouette in the dark room. "Alright Tensei!" Hizashi commanded. "Forward!"


Shouta was sitting in his room scrolling through cat videos when he suddenly heard a rapid knocking on the window.

He glanced behind him and was surprised, albeit a little confused, to see his blond boyfriend grinning and waving like a madman through the window.

Shouta felt a blush and a smile fall onto his face as he went over to the window and opened it, leaning outside slightly so Hizashi wasn't so close to the wall.

"Heyyy Shouta!~" Hizashi smiled with his big, dumb grin.

" Adorable..." Shouta thought. But he's never say that.

"What the actual hell are you doing?" Shouta asked.

"Welllll.... I missed you and figured I'd come see you!!" Hizashi grinned, briefly waving his arms only to immediately retract them when he started to loose balance.

"...Right. Annddd... Oboro and Tensei aree...?" Shouta gestured down to the two boys below him.

"Here against our will!" Oboro shouted up.

"Shush. Ladders don't talk." Hizashi said.

Shouta chuckled slightly and smiled at his boyfriend.

"We have a door you know."

"And it's a very lovely door. But isn't this so much more romantic?" Hizashi swooned.

"Not for us." Tensei muttered.


"Hm. Yes. Nothing more romantic than using our friends as a human ladder so you can climb to my window to say hi." Shouta said sarcastically.

"Aha! There's that quick wittedness that I fell in love with." Hizashi winked.

Shouta blushed and buried his face into his hoodie.

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