Okay this might work...

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It was now Hizashi's third visit to Shouta Aizawa's house and now that two of his options up had been cut off, he had to look around for a new way to reach Shouta's window.

He paced around the edge of the house a few times to see if perhaps Mr Aizawa had left a ladder outside or something but nope! Absolutely nothing! There weren't even any boxes he could stack on top of eachother! Just a weirdly clean garden! What the hell!?

Hizashi was about to accept defeat and knock on the door when his eyes fell on the drainpipe going up the side of the building. It was plastic and probably wasn't very sturdy but it was bolted to the wall closest to Aizawa's window so Hizashi would probably just have to shimmy over to the window once he was up but that was fine.

"Whatever it takes to see your cute face..." he muttered to himself.

He put his feet to the wall and put his hands around the neck of the drainpipe as he started to climb.

He was barely a few feet in the air however when he heard the sound of a woman clearing her throat behind him.

Hizashi glanced and almost lost his grip when he was met with the bright red eyes of Shouta's mom.

"I don't think that's very safe." She said.

"H-huh? O-oh Umm, right. S-sorry I just wanted to see-"

"You're Hizashi right? Shouta's boyfriend? Kaori told me you had a thing about using the window over the door. A bit odd I will admit, but hey, I'm not one to crush a romantic gesture." She smiled at him which put Hizashi at ease.

"Finally! Someone gets it!" He said.

"Still, that drainpipe won't hold up forever. If you wanted I could ask his father to grab you a ladder?"

Hizashi froze at the mention of Shouta's dad. The last time he saw him he was scared almost half to death.

That sharp gaze... those judgmental eyes... he was so much bigger than Hizashi that he could probably squish him if he wanted to!

Haha... no thanks.

"U-uh... thanks but I think I got it." Hizashi nervously grinned.

Shouta's mom shrugged and went back to tending for some garden flowers.

"Alright then. Let me know if you boys need anything!"

Hizashi breathed a sigh of relief and continued his climb. He eventually reached the second floor and looked over to Shouta's window.

It was a bit of a reach but Hizashi managed to swing his right leg and pull himself onto the small ledge of the windowsill.

Now perched by the window, Hizashi could easily see inside Shouta's room. Only... he couldn't see Shouta?

"Huh. That's weird. He must be downstairs or something." Hizashi said to himself.

He tried to open the window but the thing didn't budge.

"Uh oh..."

Hizashi tried to pry the window open a few more times but it was locked. Hizashi was really starting to panic now. Here he sat, stuck on his boyfriend's windowsill like an idiot, all because he was too stubborn to use the door.


Hizashi could feel his feet becoming numb because of how he was positioned but he didn't have enough room to move around.


Hizashi timidly knocked on the window a few times, hoping to get someone's attention! Because until someone noticed him, he was pretty much stuck up there.

Cockatiel at your windowsillWhere stories live. Discover now