I "fell" for you ;)

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A few days later, Hizashi had decided to visit Aizawa at his home again.

Oboro and Tensei had said that they wouldn't help him get to Aizawa's window ever again since they still had bruises from his last escapade. So he was on his own this time.

Hizashi stood, looking up at Aizawa's window, trying to think of ways he could reach it. Perhaps he could parkour his way up somehow? Or if he got a rope from somewhere he could climb? Nah. That wouldn't work...

Hizashi sighed as his eyes wandered from the window to a blossom tree that was growing on the other side of the wall. Hizashi realised that some of the bigger branches were reaching just far enough for Hizashi to get near to Shouta's window with ease. The blond cracked a grin and wasted no time, running over to the stump of the tree and using the wall to help him climb it.


Shouta got back home a little later since he needed to pick up something that would supposedly help with his training. He wasn't big on support items but since it was for training he decided he'd allow it.

The teenager flopped onto his bed, relived at finally being able to relax.

"Hey! Shoutaaa!!!"

Aizawa had barely shut his eyes before he heard the muffled shout of his boyfriend. He sighed and sat up.

Trudging over the the window, he paused for a moment, let out an amused sigh, and opened the window.

"Shouta! Aw man am I glad to see you!" Hizashi's smile was infectious.

"Yamada, why are you in a tree?" Aizawa asked.

"Well Oboro and Tensei said they wouldn't help me get to your window after what happened last time so I needed to figure out another way to get up here and... yeah it isn't the most practical but hey! We're at least sort of near to eachother?" Hizashi said with a hopeful smile which caused Aizawa's heart to flutter.

"Right... you could still just use the door though." Shouta said.

Hizashi scoffed and leaned back. "Now where is your sense of romance!? Honestly Shouta, you should've known when we started dating that I'd never resort to such cliche's!"

"What cliche!? The one where you come into my house like a normal person and we cuddle or some shit?" Shouta asked, a blush rose to his face at what he just said.

Hizashi cocked and eyebrow and grinned. "Oh. So you do want to cuddle? Aw... Now I feel bad that I'm not in there to do that with you! You should've said something Shou! If I knew how desperate you were to cuddle with me then-"

"Shut up idiot..." Aizawa mumbled. "I never said that I was desperate to cuddle with you."

"But ya do want to?" Hizashi grinned.

Aizawa let his hair fall over his face as he blushed. He kept his head down and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"...maybe..." he muttered.

Hizashi blushed and leaned back on the branch he was perched on. How was it that Shouta was so unintentionally ADORABLE!?!

"You'll fall like that if you aren't careful." Shouta said.

"Too late baby! I already fell for you a while ago." Hizashi winked, causing the dark haired teen to blush again.

"I swear you get cornier every time we talk..." Shouta muttered.

"Whaaat? You love my corniness and you know it...~" Hizashi made a kissy face at Shouta who returned the gesture.

"Yeah... only because it came with the rest of you."

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