Natasha what have you done ?

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I woke up and quickly took a shower and then started pumping some breast milk so Natalia could have it when I was away. I fed her then left her with Kate and Yelena.

"Hey it's so good to see you again" Wanda said pulling me into a hug and I smiled. "It's good to see you too," I said hugging her back. "You ready?" She asked and I nodded and we drove off. We parked the car and got out and Wanda gasped. "Nat bought it for my engagement gift" I said and she stood there shocked "A whole ass plane for your self" she said and I laughed.

"Yep now let's go" I said and we boarded the plane. I slept through five hours of the flight and then reviewed what I would be talking to the other men about. We arrived and wasted no time and just headed to our meeting. "What's wrong?" I asked Wanda when she looked worried. "They are a lot to handle" she said sighing. "It's okay we got this" I answered and we opened the door and everyone's attention turned to us.

"I'm sorry what are you doing here?" One of the men asked. "The meeting you have at 11 with Romanoff" I answered. "Natasha sent her assistants to get her work done, she has got to be joking" One of them said. "Does she think this is a joke meeting, or she think we are not important enough for her to be here, We requested Romanoff's presence" Another added.

"First off you guys complain like a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum, You asked to speak to a Romanoff and that's exactly what you are doing" I answered and they all looked down at my finger and their faces filled with disgust. "Romanoff is a lesbian," he said shocked. "Yes Nat has a wife what jealous she gets more bitches than you?" Wanda responded first. "That's absolutely disgusting and it's a sin" he answered back.

"First off how dare you, Rather Fuck all of you and your shit-filled adult diapers," I said and then walked out storming with Rage and Wanda ran after me. We got into the car and stayed silent. We drove to the plane and boarded it and Wanda walked over to me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine" I responded and a tear ran down my face. "I have a feeling this isn't about those dumbasses," she said and I sighed.

"I had an argument with Yelena about Natasha and how she's dropping everything for me, she talked about coming out of the Mafia. I never asked her to do it but she decided that. Yelena brought up how Nat's whole life is about her being in the Mafia. I mean she grew up training and she said this meeting was important to her and I just told the men to fuck off" I said sighing. "Natasha wants to change for you and Natalia she doesn't want her baby to grow up in violence. It's her choice and I know Natasha would applaud you for telling those jerks off" she said and I nodded and turned to stare out the window.

Two hours into the flight the plane started rocking. "What's happening?" I said walking up to the pilot. "Uh it's just a storm but it's bad so we'll have to land" he said and I nodded and went back to sit. "We're landing, bad storm" I said and she nodded and we relaxed.

We landed and decided to book a hotel to wait out the storm and now we are just sitting on our phone. "Hey you know I'm glad Natasha and I never worked out you guys are perfect for each other," she said and I smiled. "You know I absolutely hated you" I said chuckling and she looked at me shocked. "I mean I liked Natasha and I thought you guys were dating and I hated you for that especially walking in on you guys kissing, I remember Nat inviting me to a basketball game and when I saw you were coming with us I bailed" I said and she giggled. "Oh, I knew you hated me I just didn't know the reason and I didn't want to piss you off and you killed me, Nat's scary but you're a hundred percent scarier" she said and I laughed.

We had to wait three hours until it was safe again and Wanda and I went to a store and bought some stuff for Natalia. We started our journey back home. When we arrived in New York it was night and we stopped at a restaurant for something to eat and when we made it back to my house. I thanked Wanda and apologized for the inconvenience and she said it was okay. I opened the front door to be met by absolute silence which was weird.

I started making my way upstairs and I walked into the room to see Natasha putting Natalia to bed. When she heard the door open she turned and looked at me and I walked over to them. "Nat!" I said and took the pacifier out of Natalia's mouth. "It helps with the crying, this girl can cry for hours" she said and I took Natalia hushing her because I accidentally woke her up and I glared at Natasha.

"You know all along we could have just bought a paci" she said. "How long ago did you feed her?" I asked. "An hour maybe" Natasha said and I rolled my eyes and started feeding Natalia. I sat down and Nat started staring and usually I wouldn't mind but I was upset. I used a blanket and covered my boobs and she looked up at me.

Natalia fell asleep while drinking and I removed her from my nipple and put her down in her nursery. I walked back into my room and rested the pacifier on the side table and changed. "What's wrong?, How did the meeting go, did they sign?" She asked and I sighed. "No Nat they didn't sign when I got there they started being disrespectful and homophobic so I told them to fuck off, you should have just sent Wanda alone she would have gotten it" I said climbing into bed. "Hey, no it's okay if they were being Dicks I approve of you telling them off. I don't want to work with assholes and I made the right choice sending you as well but something else is bothering you what is it?" She asked.

"Nothing let's just go to bed" I said turning the lights off and she turned them back on. "We are not going to bed until you tell me what's wrong" she said and I turned off the light. "Why do you do this when you're upset, you completely shut me out" she said. Natalia started crying and I groaned and got up and walked to her room. I started hushing her and she wouldn't fall back asleep and she wasn't hungry. "Just give her the pacifier" Nat said walking in. "No" I answered back. "She's also my child so as much as how you have a right to say no I have the right to say yes" she said and I groaned.

"You know what she's gonna be your problem when she's addicted to it" I said and gave Natalia the pacifier and then gave her to Nat and climbed back into bed. Natasha walked in and also climbed into bed. "I've had a long day and so have you we'll continue this in the morning," she said and turned the lights off.

1270 Words

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