23 - ἷ ᾄм︎ ᾗὄҭ ẏὄὗʀ м︎ὄҭђ︎ἔʀ⚠︎︎

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"How many eggs do you want?" I ask Izanagi who is sitting in the living room

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"How many eggs do you want?" I ask Izanagi who is sitting in the living room.

After my parents left yesterday, I hung out with Sophia and the day got ahead of me so I haven't had the time to really sit down and process what I agreed to with Izanagi yesterday.

Of course, Sophia brought up moving in with Jax again, and I told her the same thing that I told her last time. I told her to wait, but it's really so I can get the opportunity to get rid of him and make sure that she's safe.

The more I think about it, the more I believe in my gut that Jax is the person behind the mask, and I just need to find the perfect moment to do something about it.

Izanagi on the other hand has been quieter than normal. I'm not exactly sure why, but I asked him if he wanted to retract his proposal of us trying whatever it is we're trying, and he said no. I am not thinking too much about it because I know that everybody has their moods, and since I'm trying to be more amicable, I decided to make breakfast for the both of us.

"Three is fine, little devil," he says and shoots me a small smile. I continue to make us breakfast which consists of eggs, banana pancakes, bacon, sausage, and apple juice.

Once breakfast is ready, I let Izanagi know and we both grab a plate and sit on the couch watching WandaVision. My obsession with Marvel is starting to rub off on him because he was watching it without me even bringing it up.

"Do you remember the first time you made breakfast with me here?" He says and I laugh at the memory.

"Yes. I gave you dog food," I laugh and Izanagi starts laughing too. "Pretty sure it was expired too."

"It was," he confirms and takes a sip of his apple juice. "As much as you annoyed me that day, I think it was one of the reasons why I started to become obsessed with you. I like how feisty you are and you weren't afraid to hit me back when I slammed your face in the plate of food," he continues and I chuckle.

"Is this your way of trying to charm me?" I tease him and he smirks.

"Maybe. Is it working?" He asks and I look up at him.


"What is it going to take to charm you then, hanii?" He says and I raise my eyebrow.

"If I tell you, then it'd be way too easy to win me over. Figure it out yourself."

"Mhm," Izanagi simply hums and finishes his breakfast.

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