4. Training

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It's been a few days since me, Naruto, and Sakura went out for lunch. I was out walking in the village when I saw Sakura running up to me. "Hey, What's up?" I asked. She replied with a smile "I was just wondering if you would like to train with me and Naruto." "Sure, when do we train?" I answered her. "Naruto is already on the training grounds," Sakura said "so we can go right now." "Okay! Just give me a minute to change. I'll be there in 10." I told her and went home to change.

I reached the training grounds after a while. I saw Naruto practicing with Sakura. "Hey guys!" I yelled. "HI Y/N!!" Naruto yelled back and smiling. Sakura just waved her hand. I headed over to them. We each did our own separate training for some time, maybe 15 minutes? Each one of us worked on their own signature move and things like that. I got bored so I decided to have a practice match with one of them.

"Hey Naruto! Can we have a practice match together?" I asked him. "Yeah, sure!" He answered back. We started the match; he was stronger than I thought. I wasn't about to lose though. We were both fighting our best when, out of nowhere, a shadow clone appeared behind me and threw a kunai at me. I didn't have time to defend myself. The kunai hit my shoulders, and I was bleeding pretty bad.

Naruto POV

Y/N was much stronger than I thought so I had to use my best techniques and try really hard to defeat her. Eventually I surprised her by hiding a shadow clone behind her and having it throw a kunai at her. I expected her to block it, but be distracted enough to lose. That's not what happened. The kunai hit her shoulder and she started bleeding a lot. I panicked and stopped fighting immediately. "Y/N? Y/N are you ok?" I asked her. "Y-yea...I think I'm ok" She responded, But I didn't believe her. She was clutching her shoulder, and was bleeding a lot. She was clearly in pain.

I was so worried I wasn't thinking straight. "SAKURA!!" I yelled, "PLEASE COME HELP, I ACCIDENTLY HURT Y/N AND-" "Idiot, It's not that serious. Chill." She cut me off, "All she needs is to stop the bleeding. Here, I have a bandage with me" She wrapped Y/N's shoulder and healed her a bit. I knew she was ok, but I still felt worried. "Y/N, you should sit down and rest." I asked her. "I guess I will, but don't worry, I'm fine" She said with a smile. "Her smile is so beautiful..." I gave her some water and we practiced some more, but not as intensely as before.  Eventually it got late and we all went to our homes. 


It is currently 12 am, but I can't sleep. I keep thinking about the afternoon when I hurt Y/N. It wasn't a serious injury, and I've barely known her for a week, but I was so worried. Why? I couldn't find an answer. I just felt so worried. I didn't want her to get hurt. Especially since I was the one to hurt her. What's happening to me...?

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