5. Feelings

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We were all hanging out together in a park eating ice cream. "Hey, Y/N, let's race!" Naruto said. "Okay" I answered, "3, 2, 1, GO!" We both started running as fast as we can. We ended up running pretty far. In the end I won. Naruto reached me a few seconds later, panting. He put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.  

"Alright, you beat me, but only this time. I was tired." Naruto said, smiling. "Hey! I beat you fair and square, because I'm faster than you." I said and punched his arm lightly as a joke. He punched me back and it turned into a fight. Not a real one, a play fight. We were laughing and pushing each other when Naruto used a shadow clone and pushed me down on the ground.

The shadow clone disappeared. It was just us, laughing together in the quiet park. I finally stopped laughing and looked into his eyes, smiling. He stopped laughing as well, and we kind of just stared into each other for a while. I got butterflies in my stomach. All of a sudden, I realized why I feel so weird around Naruto sometimes.

I have feelings for Naruto. I like him. A lot.

Then I realized that Naruto was basically straddling me. "Um...Naruto? Could you, maybe, get off me?" He blushed a little and got off. "S-sorry, I didn't realize- I mean I just-" He started, but I cut him off. "It's ok Naruto, chill." I said, laughing. "He looks so cute when he's embarrassed. I just want to hug him right now."  

Naruto POV

We were just sitting together right now. We were both tired from the race and the playing. She was sitting right next to me on the grass. I felt so...weird with Y/N sometimes. I don't know how to explain it. She's just different.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. It was a simple action, that should be normal. We're friends, why wouldn't it be normal? But I knew I was blushing. I put my hand around her waist and pulled her a bit closer. Just like that, I realized everything. All my feelings, all the blushing, all of it. 

I like Y/N.

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