10. Crying In Your Arms

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I think I might die. Scratch that, I've already died inside. I've failed. I failed my mission. Because of me, someone died. I was sent to work with another team for a day because the mission was particularly difficult. We had to investigate an area where we got a tip that some suspicious activity was going on. It turns out, it was a full blown organization slash cult, and during the fight, an innocent civilian ended up dying. I was right there. I WAS RIGHT THERE.

I was outside the door of his apartment. We had planned to meet up after my mission and have a chill night together. I briefly considered turning back and just going home and sleeping, but I knew Naruto would get worried and come knocking on my door, and I don't want him to see me at my worst like that. I got a notification on my phone, and pulled it out to see who texted me.

My love <33

Babe, we're still meeting up after your mission right? Are you done yet?

I took a deep breath, forced the grief off of my face, and opened the door.

"Y/N? Hi baby" I hear from his room, he was probably playing video games. I wasn't the type to get annoyed by him playing, it's not like he doesn't give me enough attention, so why should it bother me? I might have usually joined him or something but I honestly just didn't have it in me to play right now.

I mustered enough energy to answer him back cheerfully. "Hi" I walk into his room, and see him on the floor in front of the TV, playing.

I sit on his bed, not really able to do anything else. He was focusing on his game, and I just watched him play for a while. All the events of the day kept running through my head again and again and again. It was like it was on fucking repeat and I couldn't make it stop. The image of that innocent person dying engraved in my brain. My breathing grew ragged and unsteady. I wanted it to stop. I need it to stop. Why won't it stop? Why couldn't I have saved them, why am I so fucking weak and useless? God, look at me. I'm so pathetic.

I stood up, forcing myself to stop thinking, and walked over and sat down next to him, burrowing my head into his body, breathing in the warm scent. He smiled and brushed a kiss to my head, before going back to his game. "Tired, babe?" He asked. I just nodded "That's fine, love. You don't have to do anything, having you here is enough" And I don't know why, but that did it.

I finally cried. Silent tears slipped down my face, which soon turned into sobs. "Babe??" He immediately asked, worriedly. He turned off his game and in an instant I was surrounded by his warmth. He held me tightly, rubbing my back and rocking me softly. "Shh, it's alright" He whispered. We stayed like that for what could've been an eternity or a second, time slipped away from me. I eventually calmed down, and the sobs subsided. He cupped my face, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek. "Do you want to talk about it?" His eyes, those eyes I adore so much, were filled with love and concern. "My- My mission" I stuttered out. I lowered my head. "Naruto..I failed. Someone- someone died because of me" My voice cracked and a few tears ran down my face. His face immediately filled with warmth and compassion, he held me tightly, comforting me and telling me it wasn't my fault. I felt a bit better. Of course, it's not like the guilt completely left me, but it was bearable.

Naruto POV

How did I not notice how sad she was when she walked in? I was too focused on the stupid game, I thought she was just tired. God, she must have felt awful. I held her until she fell asleep from exhaustion. Every tear on her face broke my heart a little. I looked over to where she was asleep on my bed, I carried her there after she fell asleep. She looked so beautiful, even when asleep. I felt my face flush a little from how much I love her. "I love you", I whispered, "You mean the world to me, my angel" I crawled into the bed next to her, brushing a hair from her face. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep hugging her.

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