Chapter 1 - Loud Mouth

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I was standing in line next to a couple boys and girls. We were seven in an horizontal line. We were told a customer was going to come and pick one of us up. I hoped she was hot.

I worked in a sugar daddy/mommy agency. Basically, when a rich person was looking for someone to give them something, whether it be sexual or not, we were there to give it to them. I had gotten in the agency at 19, I was now 24. It was actually pretty nice. I was being paid to lay around. Most of the people I served were so rich all they did was shop or do activities all day. I'd just get paid to watch tv. Of course, some of them required some kind of sexual treatment, but going all the way was prohibited. Evidently, some things could still happen in secrecy, but it just never happened to me. I was actually still a virgin. We had to give a percentage of what we received to our handlers at the end of each week.

I heard the door open and in walked a guy. He was a good looking guy, I had to admit. Semi long black hair with dark grey eyes. He seemed to have absolutely no emotion and was there with another man. They were looking very similar, I guessed they were siblings. The other man looked a little older, he had longer hair tied back in a low ponytail. He was a few inches taller than the other male as well.

They both walked in and shook hands with our handler. There must've been a mistake. I don't do guys. I do girls. I was starting to think some other chick was going to turn up, but as I looked at the door, it was closed.

Our handler Orochimaru started talking out loud with the two men. He started introducting all our names to them. When they got to me, I couldn't just stand there.

-Orochi, why am I here? I do girls, not guys.

He turned around looking annoyed.

-I told you not to call me that.

-Whatever. I mumbled.

-The reason you're here, is because you haven't paid up what you owed me. If you want out, pay me, and quit right now.

-What the hell is this? I ain't gay. I raised my voice at him.

Money was a little tight right now. My landlord had just risen my rent and I couldn't really afford it at the moment. Plus, I really didn't like Orochimaru.

-What can you do about it? He dared me.

-Whatever, I'm out of here.

I turned around and was about to leave, when Orochimaru spoke again.

-You owe me two thousand dollars. I expect a check on my office at five and all your stuff gone from the building.

I stopped and breathed in quickly. I just didn't have that cash. And I had about two hours to find it. I couldn't do it. I had to stay. I swallowed my pride and returned to my spot in the line.

Orochimaru smirked at me and I just stopped looking at him. Anyway I had been arrogant enough that the chances of the guy picking me were really unlikely. I knew I had a bad attitude, but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I liked having it my way.

The taller man of the two customers nudged his brother in the rib.

-Come on, hurry up. He told the shorter one.

The shorter one turned to face him and gave him an angry glare.

-Itachi, I don't want anyone.

-Little bro, you've been single for forever you need to let loose. Plus, there's no way no one caught your eye, yet.

-Would you like me to bring another collection? Orochimaru asked.

-No, the man named Itachi answered.

-Stop being so indecisive and pick one already. Itachi told his little brother.

-Fine! I exclaimed.

He looked us all over, something I realized he hadn't been doing at all since he came in. He looked everyone up and down quickly, then, his eyes were on me. I was the last one of the row. He racked his eyes up and down my body and I had never felt so observed before. It made me feel self conscious. After what felt like forever, his eyes left my body.

He turned around to look at his brother, who gave him an encouraging nod. The short male turned around to Orochimaru who was patiently waiting with a polite and inviting smile.

-I'll take the loud mouth, he declared.

His bother seemed delighted while Orochimaru just smirked. I had been the only one of the row to talk during the interaction. I was probably the loud mouth he was referring to. My suspicions were proving correct when Orochimaru looked at me and waved me over. I didn't move.

-What the fuck? Why me? He asked confused and angry.

-I don't need to give you a reason, the short one told me.

I glared at him for a moment and he glared right back. Orochimaru forcefully grabbed me by the arm and dragged me next to my new sugar daddy. Itachi seemed extatic, but I really didn't share his feelings at all. I wanted to run and never look back. I couldn't do sexual favors to a guy. What the fuck?

It was all too soon when they both dragged me to a car and left for the shorter one's apartment. He wasn't really talkative because it was his brother who was doing all the talking. He told me that his brother's name was Sasuke and that he had an apartment about 40 minutes away in the city. I was surprised by the fact he had an apartment and not a house or something, the guy was supposed to be rich after all. Most of the drive was silent. I was looking outside the window. I had never been to the side of the city we were currently on.

We arrived at his apartment, and I was immediately less skeptical. The elevator opened directly in front of the main door, meaning the entire floor was ours. The apartment was enormous. It was an entire floor with a staircase and another half floor upstairs. There was a legit chandelier in the middle of the floor. There weren't much walls cutting off the entrance. The living room had a giant tv. He had an outdoor pool, don't ask me how it was possible to have that at this height. Itachi made me visit while Sasuke shrugged off his coat and walked into his office.

He had the best kitchen I had ever seen, the bathroom looked like one fresh out of a fantasy dream with a big tub and a fancy looking shower. The dining room had a table fit for a banquet with something like ten chairs. We walked past his study as to not disturb him. Itachi told me that I was probably not allowed in anyways. Right next to his study was a whole ass library. Like what? The tour ended with the bedroom that was located on the second floor.

He had a king bed with satin sheets and pillowcases. He had a tv hanging on the wall. A balcony with an amazing view of the city and it was connected to another bathroom with an even better shower and a double sink. Another bathtub and dimming lights.

I tried not to show that I was impressed. I had been in a lot of places, but this apartment was still mesmerising. He had two walk-in closets. His was full of expensive clothes and suits. The one I assumed to be mine for my stay was bare and empty, but that didn't bother me.

Itachi left soon after because it was getting late. So, I walked back into the living room and laid down on the couch. I made myself at home and found the remote to pull up Netflix and I decided to watch a movie.

Once my movie ended, I had still not seen Sasuke again. I got up and was about to knock at his office door when someone knocked at the apartment door. I walked back to the main entrance and opened the door. It was a butler looking person with a tray of food with him. It was steak with mashed potatoes on the side. There were cooked carrots and green beans as well.

-We were told to bring this to your floor. I bet this was for you. We were asked to give this meal to a blond male with bright blue eyes. Mr. Uchiha wants you to eat this.

I thanked them and closed the door once he left. This building had room service for apartment? What the fuck?

Anyway, I brought the plate in the dining room and set it down on the table. The plate came with utensils and napkins. I wondered why Sasuke didn't order anything for himself though.

I went to bed around 8 pm with a book and fell asleep around 11 pm with Sasuke still in the study.

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