Chapter 5 - Bedroom Activities

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Finally, I'm writing smut again. Yes this is your warning. You've got some smut ahead, so be careful if you don't want to read that, I suggest skipping the chapter. That being said, for those of you who will read it, I hope you enjoy!


When we got back home, Sasuke proposed to keep drinking, and I accepted not having anything else in mind. He asked me to choose between beer and rum and I chose the later. He got out two glasses and poured a generous amount of the liquid in each glass.

At first, I drank fast because it got awkward, but when Sasuke reached his limit, he actually started talking to me. A lot. He started telling me stories from when he was little while I drank happily listening.

-This one time, he started, Itachi had snuck out to meet with a girl and I followed him. I don't know how he didn't notice, but I ended up in a tree, looking down at them. Like a dumbass I ended up falling down and injuring myself, and Itachi had to let go of his date and walk me back home while I was on his back.

He kept laughing at the memory and I could barely make out his words.

-How old were you? I said chuckling.

-About eight or so. I cried for a long time, but I actually never snitched on him, even though I wanted to. I always thought it was a secret I would bring with me to my grave.

-Not anymore, I said grinning.

-Right, he smiled back.

He looked into my eyes and seemed to completely freeze. I looked right back in his. His eyes observed every one of my movements, until I became completely still. I had my glass half raised to my face and I slowly noticed that my arm was placing it back on the counter. I hated how prefect his eyes seemed in that moment. I looked down at his lips. They were slightly swollen from all the alcohol. If only I could just stretch my back a little and steal a kiss. I looked back at his eyes to see him staring at my lips too. For the first time since I started the job, I didn't know what to do. I was hungry for more than just glances and I wanted him in that moment. Truly.

I saw him slowly start to lean in as he glanced back up in my eyes, trying to see what my reaction would be. I slowly started closing my eyes as I too, leaned forward.  Our lips collided seconds later. He tasted sweet from the rum and I started melting slowly. He pulled back too soon for my liking. He stopped inches away from my face to see my reaction again, but I didn't even let him open his eyes completely. I put my hand on the back of his head reflexively and pulled him back down to me.

The kiss was less curious this time, and more heated. We both seemed to know what we wanted. Our lips crashed again and he licked my bottom lip. I let him in and lost myself in the haze. I had never been so far gone before. He put his hand on my shoulder and I felt static again. It just felt so good.

I stood up slightly to be closer to him. My hand that wasn't tangled up in his hair reached behind his back to pull our chest together. He also started standing up, putting his arms around my waist. His hands dripped from my sides to my thighs and he lifted me up on the counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we continued to make out for a while. Until, he pulled me completely against him and lifted me up again. I wrapped my arms around his neck to avoid falling down. I vaguely noticed him climbing up the stairs to the bedroom. He let me fall back on the bed and took off his tie. He looked at me like I was some sort of prey before kneeling down on the bed. He fell on top of me with his hands on either side of my head. He took off my loosened tie and pulled off my cerulean blue jacket.

-Are you sure you want this? He breathed against my ear.

I slammed my lips against his as an answer, and it seemed to satisfy him. We were pulling on each other's clothes so fast that we were soon in our underwear. He pulled back again to look me up and down. He smirked and bent down to kiss me again. I felt his hands go from my chest to the rim of my boxers. I shivered as he quickly slid his hand under the fabric and grazed my erection. I was already embarrassingly hard and it just seemed to turn him on ever more.

He started stroking me gently, his other hand rumbling circles on the inside of my thigh.

-Sasuke... I whispered.

His only response was to bend down and kiss along my inner thigh. His jerks started getting quicker.

I felt my stomach tighten and I knew I was going to cum soon. I pulled him up by the shoulder and brought our lips together again. I took his hand away from my dick and put it on my chest. I flipped us over so that I was on top and took off his boxers completely.

I had never done anything with a man before, but I wasn't stupid enough not to have heard stories from the other members of the agency. I bent down and slowly licked the tip of his erection. He took in a sharp breath. I looked up at him and licked a second time along his slit. He let his head fall against the pillow. Without hesitation, I took him whole into my mouth. I felt him tense up, but he was waiting for me to go at my pace. I started bobbing my head up and down. Slowly at first, but I got quicker and quicker. I could hear Sasuke groan and hiss, encouraging me to go even faster. Without even realizing I had started to stroke myself. His sounds were echoing inside my head making me feel dizzy. I knew I wanted more, but I had to be patient.

Sasuke grabbed a fist-full of my hair and pulled on it slightly. I moaned around him, making him groan again.

-Naruto, I'm close, he said.

I could feel my own stomach tightening again. I had been way out of my comfort zone the entire night, so I knew I wasn't going to let him cum in my mouth. When I heard him groan a little louder than normal, I pulled away and got back up to crash my lips against his. He came against our stomachs and I came later with a few more strokes.

I crashed on his chest and heaved quick breaths in. He seemed just as breathless as I did. I stayed there for a few moments before I felt him squirm under me. I got back up on my knees and appreciated the view for a minute. Sasuke's lips were swollen as well as his dick. His hair was a complete mess against the pillows, the sheets were falling off the side of the mattress. Yep, tonight was a good night.

I got up and pulled my boxers back up. I turned around and headed for the bathroom.

-I'm gonna take a shower. You're welcome to join me. I said.

With that, I opened the light and closed the door behind me, leaving a small inviting gap for Sasuke. I turned on the shower and stripped off my pair of underwear. I hopped in and only when the cold water hit my skin, did I start to realize what we had been doing exactly.

What the fuck?!

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