Chapter 2 - Mall

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I woke up at around 3 in the morning, probably not the wisest idea to read a Stephen King book knowing I wasn't the best to handle the thrill. I turned around in bed to notice that Sasuke was still nowhere to be seen. I went by his office to see the door still closed and the light still on. Without thinking, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

-Yes? I heard.

I took that as an invitation and opened the door slightly to poke my head in.

-Is everything alright? Sasuke asked me raising his head from his paper.

I nodded my head.

-Then, what's up? He asked a little more annoyed this time.

-Were you going to go to sleep at any point tonight?

-Probably not, he answered sincerely. I'm going to have someone shop for you. When do you usually wake up? He asked his voice void of emotion.

-I like to sleep in so, probably 10? I answered.

-Perfect, everything should be here by then.

He looked back down on his paper as the room filled with silence.

-Anything else? He asked after a while.

-Nope. I answered still not moving.

-Okay. Then could you stop staring and go back to bed?

-Sure thing. Good night. I said and closed back the door to head back to bed.

I slipped under the slick sheets and curled up in a ball before slowly falling back asleep.

When I woke up, it was because I felt someone coming into the room. I turned around to see a tall white haired man with a mask covering his mouth and nose.

-Sorry about that, he gave me a smile. I'm just putting away you're clothes in your closet. He went back to his task at hand.

-Where's Sasuke? I asked sitting up.

-He's gone to work already. He answered not turning around.

-When is he coming back?

-It's currently 9:34 am. So, probably around 4 pm.

-What am I supposed to do until then? I asked.

-Sasuke appointed me to be your personal chauffeur, so we can actually do whatever you'd like.

-Okay, nice. Is there anything worth seeing nearby?

-There's the mall. Sasuke left me a credit card for you. He said as he handed it to me.

-Hell yeah! Let's go. I said getting up.

-You haven't ate anything, yet. You sure you want to go right now?

-There's probably food over there.

-I'm Kakashi, by the way.

-Hi! I'm Naruto, we shook hands and he left the room to let me change.

I walked into my closet to see that there were a decent amount of clothes. More than what I'd expected. How long was he planning on making me stick around anyways?

I found some regular clothes and put them on. A navy blue t-shirt and some gray ripped skinny jeans. I didn't normally wear skinny jeans, but it seemed to be the only thing there that I knew would fit me.

I walked out of the apartment with Kakashi and got into the car. It was a black SUV. I went in the passenger side as he got into the driver one.

We left and got to the mall under fifteen minutes. Kakashi parked and asked me if I wanted him to stick around. I told him I'd be good on my own. He gave me his phone number and asked me to call him when I wanted to be picked up.

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