❷ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐱'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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The restaurant Wolf had attended was definitely one of the fancier ones. It was every cliché combined into one: the candlelit atmosphere, the pure white tablecloth cloaking a round, circular dining surface, the crystal-clear wine glasses, the strictly-assorted silver utensils wrapped in delicate napkins, the pristine menus written accordingly with only the fanciest of type fonts; it was all there.

Wolf picked the place out himself. He had put much more effort into this date than he'd like to admit. Scoping out the location had to be precise and, luckily, the restaurant was only a few minutes away from The Crimson Paw's "hideout", so he knew she wouldn't be late. He wanted this date to go as well as possible.

As he sat, alone at the table, reading the menu in his spiffy navy blue suit, white dress shirt, and black tie, the bright color of orange had just barely obstructed his view. Staring up from the menu, he took in the sight of the incomparable vixen standing before him, with her arm grasped onto the chair on the opposite side of the table.

"Mr. Wolf," Diane greeted with a sultry tone to her voice.

Wolf immediately felt his heart skip a beat. She was absolutely luminous in that velvety-black, strapless dress that she wore so effortlessly, showing off her many curves and thin, defined waistline. The bright burn of the candles at the center of the table had shone off of her jewelry; glimmering in the crystals of her necklace and the silver of her bold eyebrow piercing. Her makeup was flawless, as per usual, with her sharply-winged eyeliner and thick, illuminating mascara.

As the female fox sat down in the seat across from him, Wolf had realized he was at a complete loss for words.

"Di-Diane," he stuttered with a pleasured laugh, unable to fathom the image of her. She was overwhelmingly gorgeous, especially in the intimate candlelit setting. All of Wolf's senses and hormones were going off the charts wild. "You... You look absolutely..."

"...Stunning?" She finished his sentence for him as Wolf's hesitation had gone on for far too long. Her innocent smile was enough motivation to keep him going. 

"Y-Yes, yeah, that. You look stunning."

"You're not too bad yourself, this fine evening," she flirted, her ring-adorned fingers tracing the outer leather frame of the menu.

Wolf just chuckled and shook his head, biting his lip as a way to sequester the true feeling of bliss and arousal he got just by sitting across the table from her. It took a lot of concentration in order to train his tail not to wag furiously.

"Here I was, thinking I was the smooth-talker," Wolf scoffed, sitting up straight.

Diane eyed him seductively, the utter intimacy that melted off of her gaze taking him by storm. "Hm. Maybe looks is all you have going for you."

"Oh, so you're admitting that I'm handsome?"

"Pretty sure that's a given."

"So, you are attracted to me."

"Haven't we already gone through all this once before? When you first asked me out?" Diane remembered it like it was yesterday, leaning in closer and resting her arms on the table. "I said yes to your date, didn't I?"

Wolf just stared at his hands, his fingers interlocked, resting soundly on the table on top of the menu. "...I'm glad you came," he admitted, looking his date in the eyes.

Diane's flirtatious aura had slightly altered to a more truthful and affectionate stance. One of her paws had slowly reached out for one of Wolf's, her fingers intertwining with his, breaking apart the nervous grasp he had on his own hands. "I'm glad you asked."

Wolf had never felt so lovesick before in his life.

Diane had that effect on him. She always did. Ever since the moment he met her at the museum. Ever since the gala and the dance. Ever since the day The Bad Guys went good for the sake of their own wellbeing.

Even though Wolf occasionally felt the temptation to return to his old, mischievous ways... Diane made him want to be different. To be better. And he loved that feeling.

Which is why he asked her out in the first place.

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (Wolf & Diane Foxington)Where stories live. Discover now