❽ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐆𝐮𝐲𝐬

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"Hurry up, guys!" Wolf called out to the others, relaxed in the comfy seat of his couch after a long day of work. "Movie's startin'!"

As the opening credits of the movie he pulled up on some streaming service began to play, Snake slithered his way onto the opposite side of the couch, resting against one of the sofa arms with a push pop in hand—or, tail

"What'd you pick?" He asked, staring at the TV screen in front of the couch.

"Ocean's Eleven. A classic," Wolf stated with a shrug, leaning his arms against the frame of the sofa with the remote held loosely in his paw. He paused the movie, giving the others a chance to get seated in the apartment living room.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Tarantula yelled obnoxiously, riding Shark's back as he jumped into the armchair next to the couch, making the floor shake under his weight. There was a bowl of popcorn in his hands for him and Webs to share. 

"Ooo, I love this movie!" Shark whooped, tossing some popcorn into his mouth with excitement, settling in for the ride.

Piranha waddled his way towards the foot of the couch, plopping down on the carpeted floor. "Alright! Start it!"

Just before Wolf could press play, the familiar voice from behind them had spoken up: "Hey! Are you guys forgetting someone?"

Diane made her way towards the couch, sitting down next to Wolf where his arm was extended perfectly for her comfort. Like the others, she was dressed in her loose 'pajamas', which were just an oversized black t-shirt and shorts. Wolf was only wearing a white undershirt and sweatpants, his usual comfy, 'casual' attire. Holding another bowl of popcorn, Diane tossed a kernel into Wolf's mouth as she snuggled into his side, folding her legs in and resting her head on his arm. "You can start now."

With a smirk, Wolf smooched Diane's forehead, ready to resume the film.

"Right, I keep forgetting you're one of us now," Snake grumbled, unamused.

"Snake," Wolf growled as a warning, glaring at his best friend intimidatingly.

"Huh, I would've thought you'd be happier to see me, bud," Diane teased, tossing an unpopped kernel at Snake's head.

"I know I am," Tarantula chuckled. "It's nice to finally have another female around these parts."

"Snake's just annoyed that he hasn't been able to sleep ever since she's been staying over," Piranha openly blurted out, unaware of his own words. 

"Aw, jealous, Snake?" Wolf goaded, pouting mockingly. Diane smacked him on the leg, pitying her reptilian friend.

"I'm not, actually," Snake remarked, a witty smirk painting his face. "The reason I can't sleep is because you two like to be really noisy when you fuck."

The others began to burst out into laughter, leaving Wolf and Diane flustered beyond belief. Their eyes had both equally widened at the sound of Snake's words, a strong sense of embarrasment overcoming them as if they had dropped down the steep plunge of a lightning-fast rollercoaster.

"Let's just... watch the movie..." Diane awkwardly chuckled, sinking into Wolf's body as the others quieted down.

"Good idea..." With a humiliated laugh, Wolf pressed play on the remote, stroking his paw against Diane's back to comfort her minor mortification. The fox just collapsed back down onto her boyfriend's shoulder, trying her best to contain her ashamed laughter. 

"You know I'm joking, you two," Snake snickered as the movie began to play. "It's good to have you here, Diane."

"...Glad to be here," she smiled contently, settling in along with the others in the room.

As the movie went on, Wolf couldn't help but look around at the gathering of people surrounding him; the close, tightly-knit group of friends he has grown to love and care for over the years. 

With his arm wrapped securely around Diane—his newly treasured girlfriend for many years to come—he realized that he was not only part of a crew, but a family. One that he would never give up.

One that he would do anything, whether good or bad, to keep forever.

So, that was my first ever attempt at fanfiction. Straight fanfiction.

It felt, sort of, freeing to write something for fun and not something overly sincere or complicated like my other works. I'm glad I was able to take a break from my usual shit and write something that requires less intense focus and more careless creativity. But, now, I'm excited to get back to my original stories and continue where I left off.

Thanks for giving this story a try! I hope you guys somewhat enjoyed what I put together!

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𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (Wolf & Diane Foxington)Where stories live. Discover now