❹ 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬

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Wolf couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was barely doing anything, just reading the menu. Yet, he was so entranced by her vision. 

The simplest things about Diane stunned Wolf. The way her emerald green eyes had slowly shifted from one side to another as she scanned the list of food options for her meal of choice. The way the tangerine-colored fur on her face fell smooth around the top of her head, then frizzy and wavy near the bottom. The way her fluffy ears perked up in a delighted manner, everywhere she went. The way she wore her accessories, her eyebrow piercing providing a risky and mysterious side to her otherwise vanilla wardrobe, her necklace, her diamond ring, and her jeweled bracelet all emanating an authoritative and sophisticated quality. And her smile, in Wolf's personal opinion, was Diane's best feature. 

There was so much glee and kindhearted joy on her face when she smiled. It's one of the few things he first noticed about her in the beginning stages of their acquaintanceship. The way she could make his heart soar with nothing but a smile.

"Are you hypnotized or something?" Diane's voice had shaken Wolf out of his trance. Returning to his senses, he could see that Diane was eyeing him directly, catching onto his stare. 

"Uh—No, no," Wolf stammered, casually picking up the menu and sticking his snout into it.

"You know what you're going to order?" Diane asked with a giggle, returning to her menu examination, giving Wolf the chance to peep back at her mesmerizing appearance. "I might get a penne vodka or something."

"Maybe I'll get a steak," Wolf thought of the first thing off the top of his head. "A wolf's gotta eat."

With a smirk, Diane had raised her paw to call over a waiter, yet her eyes never left Wolf's face. Her teeth had shown as she blithely bit down on her bottom lip, her sharp fangs pointing out: another distinct feature of her's that Wolf admired. "I'll get us a bottle of Chardonnay, too," she whispered as if it were a secret, sliding him a wink.

"Amen to that."


As the night went on, the couple dined by their candlelit-potted-tulip-centerpiece, surrounded by the echoed noises of scraping utensils, clinking wine glasses, overlayed distant chatter, and very faint jazz playing over the speakers. Diane sipped her white wine out of the complimentary Chardonnay glass, still eyeing an occupied Wolf expectantly as he feasted in his own world.

"You know," Diane broke the silence, swallowing her drink and politely setting down the glass, "We're a lot less talkative than I thought we'd be."

Wolf, still chewing, openly gawked at her, not knowing how to respond. "Is that true?"

"Yeah," Diane played with her fork in the bowl of pasta. "You and I, we're normally very... flirtatious." Wolf raised his eyebrows, the tips of his mouth curling upwards. "I would've thought there'd be more of that... what do you call it? Banter?"

Wolf took a brief pause before saying his next words. "...Sexy banter?"

"...I guess you could add that word." Loving the way he baited her, Diane sat back in her chair, her amorous gaze scanning Wolf's complexion from across the table. She rested her paws on her lap, playing with her fingers and crossing her legs. He loved it when she gave him that look, when her eyelids were slightly lowered and her brows shifted judgementally. "You're so quiet now. Where'd that sly, handsome man go?"

An audible gulp could be heard from Wolf's throat. "...I guess that handsome man, in question, is so nervous to impress his date that he second-guesses every little thing that comes out of his mouth."

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (Wolf & Diane Foxington)Where stories live. Discover now