❸ 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬, 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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The day of Wolf's initial date proposal had gone just like any other. In fact, he hadn't even planned it. It had been on his mind for a while, but when the moment suddenly came, he took it.

The Bad Guys, now Good, were about two weeks into their 'new and better lifestyle', hired to work as assistants for, none other than, state governor, Diane Foxington. Though the others were a little slow to the new process, Wolf had picked it up right away willingly. As Diane worked her hours at the office, Wolf would be by her side, 24/7, making sure everything was in order. Diane enjoyed the company, at least.

Amid late-night work, Diane was sitting in her office, typing away at the keyboard of her government computer. She was almost completely done with her daily, heavy workload and was powering through the last bit of scruff in order to finish for the day and head home. She adjusted her glasses back into place after they had been slowly sliding down the tip of her snout for the past few minutes, due to the building sweat. Her concentration was sharp, but the draining fatigue was beginning to get to her. At any moment, she could pass out.

In an effort to lessen her overwhelming body heat, Diane agitatedly removed the grey business suit from her torso—the one that she usually wore during her day job—leaving on only her white-collared shirt and black tie. Though she fanned her face over and over, she just could not seem to stop her glasses from sliding back down her muzzle. Aggravated, she took them off and leaned in closer to the bright screen of her computer to see it clearly.

That was when she heard two discreet knocks on the door to her office. When looking up from the screen and focusing her hazy vision on the door in front of her, it had opened, and Wolf's head had poked in cautiously.

"Hey," Diane greeted with a tired voice, the stress of her workload lightening just a bit once she had seen his familiar face.

"Hey," Wolf smiled, "You almost done here?"

Releasing a deep sigh, Diane rubbed her eyes and nose vigorously with her fingers. She blinked a few times and gave him a weak smile, resting her chin on her interlinked paws. "Almost."

Wolf stepped inside the office, fully, standing politely by the door with his hands held together behind his back. "You need anything? The rest of us are heading home for the night."

"Uh—yeah, can you actually get me a few documents from the drawer over there?" Diane requested, pointing at the metal filing cabinet in the corner of the room before returning to typing. "Thanks."

"Yeah, of course," he accepted the mission, approaching the filing cabinet. Wolf was always prepared to do whatever Diane wanted; his way of trying to win her over. "What do you need?"

"First drawer, I need articles ten-fifteen and ten-eighteen," she stated with her eyes still glued to the screen. "They should be labeled."

Wolf opened the first drawer and riffled his fingers through the documents, searching for the specific articles Diane wanted. As the seconds went by, Wolf grew a bit nervous as he couldn't immediately find what she was looking for. He always desired to be the best for her, the most efficient and loyal. So, when he couldn't locate the files at all, he grew the tiniest bit embrassed.

"Uh, Diane? They're not here," Wolf worked up the nerve to tell her.

Diane's eyes glanced back up at him as her typing came to a halt. "They're not there or you can't find them?"

"You think I'd know the answer?" He chuckled awkwardly as Diane sat up from her seat for the first time in what felt like years to her, joining his side.

She made her own examination as Wolf stood aside, reaching into the drawer and flipping through the many dividers. Wolf couldn't help but stare at her arm in the process, his attention zeroing in on the visible scar on her right bicep; a long-lasting battle wound, left from the fight she had instigated in efforts to bust the Bad Guys out of prison.

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (Wolf & Diane Foxington)Where stories live. Discover now