❺ 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬

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After paying the check, Wolf and Diane left the restaurant, stepping out onto the busy streets of their well-acquainted city. Clamoring pedestrians and happy-go-lucky drunkards occupied the packed sidewalks, scattered up and down the litter-and-smoke-infested urban municipality. Diane, surveying the scene of her bustling metropolis, which she served to protect, clung her arm firmly around Wolf's. 

They were just a fox and a wolf in the middle of a predominantly human-majority population, so of course, the two felt more comfortable when closer to one another. 

As they made their way quietly down the noisy concrete jungle, side-by-side and arm-in-arm, the two shared a passing glance. When their eyes had met, their conversation from earlier had come to mind, further corrupting the inner workings of both of their heads. 

They eventually found themselves migrating to a more populated area, surrounded by crowded shops and mini-markets, all exhibiting their products out on the street to draw in customers. As the fox-and-wolf-duo passed through all of the unattended commercial displays and swarming selling counters, Diane made a swift move. 

In a flash, her paw reached out for a pair of unpaid sunglasses from a display stand as they walked by, snatching and hiding it behind her arm. 

Wolf was immediately blown away by the action. He didn't expect to see this cheeky, troublesome side of Diane tonight.

Once they were far enough away from the store she had stolen from, Diane wore the sunglasses on her face, turning to face Wolf with a cocky smirk. As the mischievous smile on Wolf's face grew, she tilted the sunglasses down by an inch with her paw to reveal her eyes, giving him a sneaky wink. 

Wolf, knowing that his idea was now being put into motion, full-throttle, felt a passionate rush of thrill flow through him, making his tail wag uncontrollably. He snaked his arm around Diane's back, his paw clenching onto her hip, tugging her in closer. Diane gasped from the sudden motion, but it only aroused her excitement more and more. 

Without looking, Wolf's opposing arm had reached out and seized a fedora from a lone hat stand, the price tag still hanging from the brim. He rested it atop his head, giving Diane a sly look as he bounced his eyebrows up and down. Diane scoffed, grabbing the price tag and quickly yanking it off before anyone could notice.

"I don't think chief'll be very happy with us after this," Wolf whispered into her ear as they approached a largely populated food court area; inhabited by diverse food trucks and several occupied picnic tables. 

"That's only if she finds out," Diane spoke below her breath, her eyes on the many prizes that remained in store ahead. 

The two split up upon entering the dining pavilion, off to their own independent shenanigans. Wolf, with his heist techniques still fresh in his mind, scraped through the crowd; nabbing jewelry and nicking a few personal belongings. Diane, one devilish foot in front of another, stole items left unattended at temporarily abandoned tables. With her steps aimed full speed ahead, she could discreetly pull an expensive, bright red coat clean off of a chair by the collar as she passed by, putting it on afterward. Wolf, tapping the opposite shoulder of a distracted bystander, was able to swiftly undo their necklace and hide it away in his suit, walking away unnoticed. 

Wolf keenly scanned the crowd, his sights landing on the vibrant ginger fox in the distance. They made eye contact, nodded, and continued to move their way out of the food court in the same direction, meeting up outside of it.

"Nice coat," Wolf admired, touching the velvety fabric of the newly-acquired jacket as they journeyed further into town. He retrieved the pearl necklace from his blazer and strung it around her neck, tactfully to avoid any watching eyes, connecting the chain and letting it hang above her chest. "Looks good on you."

Diane reached into her tiny, handheld purse and took out a stolen pair of glasses, stepping in front of Wolf and sliding them onto his face. The two stopped in their tracks, staring at one another with wide, careless smiles.

Wolf felt a little nervous to be returning to his old ways so soon, but with Diane by his side, he felt completely and utterly bathed in nefarious, immoral pleasure. They both knew what they were doing was bad, but man, it felt so good.

"You know," Wolf muttered, his paws creeping around Diane's waist and pulling her in closer. "In some other life, we'd make a great criminal pair."

"Just like Bonnie and Clyde," Diane bit her lip, her eyes scrutinizing the aspects of Wolf's face, especially his lips. "It sucks that we can only play out this fantasy for one night."

"Just think about it, though," Wolf held his paw out to the sky as Diane watched, touching the side of his head to hers. "'Mr. Wolf and the Crimson Paw: villainous lovers'."

"I can picture it," Diane responded, reaching into her reticule handbag and possessing her eyeliner pen. "...But, when exactly were we 'lovers'?" She uncapped the pen and grabbed Wolf by the muzzle, catching him off guard. She began to sketch a fake mustache onto his snout, just below his nose. "I always thought we were just 'good friends'."

"Oh, come on, Diane," Wolf sighed, breathless from the rush of adrenaline. Diane put the eyeliner back into her purse and adjusted Wolf's glasses to fit her liking. "You gotta admit, there's always been something there... even before I asked you out."

"Hm. Maybe," Diane teased, her fingertips tugging on the brim of his fedora, tilting the hat at an angle to make the illusion more convincing. She then buttoned up her red coat and fiddled with both her necklace and sunglasses, making sure she was also well-enough disguised. The two could easily be spotted if paid close attention to, but if they were just a passing blur, they'd go unnoticed.

"What are you doing?" Wolf finally asked, curiously interested in what she was plotting. Diane just went quiet, her smirk growing in intensity. 

"I'm thirsty for more wine," she told him, brushing off his suit by the lapels and tightening his black tie, "Or, perhaps, something stronger."

She grabbed him by the muzzle once again and turned his head to the left, showing him the mostly-uninhabited store they had stopped on the sidewalk outside of. A measly, poverty-stricken corner store, that was seemingly too broke to afford a proper security system, selling an array of alcoholic drinks in the back.

Wolf felt another surge of enticement; that evil temptation attacking him like a disciplinarian. Diane did nothing but feed those urges, and something inside of Wolf was telling him that she had those very same urges for a very long time. All thanks to this date, they were able to release those urges together. Only the two of them could bring that side out of one another. It was, possibly, a match made in hell.

"You distract," Diane instructed, the duo making intimate and malevolent eye contact once more before pursuing their tiny heist. "I'll steal."

𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 (Wolf & Diane Foxington)Where stories live. Discover now