Chp 6

175 7 3

It had been 2 months since that fateful night when the Diaz girl and the Peters boy first went stargazing together. And 2 months since the two got together.

Things for the most part were amazing. Aiden treated her well and they made each other happy, something that was rare for the pair before they met.

Harley however was now warming up to the boy, and that meant feelings developed on her end of the friendship, unfortunately for her she was still clueless to the fact that the guy she once hated, had been dating her twin for the past 2 months.

" I don't know Avery, I'm scared to tell her, I overheard her telling Georgie about how she has started to develop feelings for him" Chris sighed, conflicted on whether to come clean to her twin about dating Aiden. "But Chris it's for the best, she'll find out eventually find out you know," Avery said, as she put her books in her locker. "I know, maybe I'll tell her later tonight" Chris responded, soon a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and picked her up. Chris giggled, "Good morning Chrissy" Aiden said as he put her down and kissed her cheek. "Hey Aiden" she responded back, smiling widely. "I'll leave you guys to it," Avery said, quickly saying goodbye to the couple and making her way to class. 

"We both have a free period first, right? wanna go to the field?" adian suggested, Chris nodded her head in response. She quickly slammed her locker shut and intertwined their hands, the two then made their way to the field.

Once they got to the field, they made their way under the bleachers, aiden sat with his legs out so Chris could lay her head on his lap. Aiden leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, Chris blushed softly and bit her lip, "You're so beautiful Chrissy" Adian complimented. "You know you're the only one who can call me that right?' she giggled, "yeah because I'm special" he responded, smiling widely. "That you are" she responded, " you know Aidan Avery told me that i need to tell Harley about us, I overheard her telling Georgiee about her crush on you" Chris chuckled, "that's not going to be a fun conversation to have" she sighed. "It'll be ok I promise," Adian said, trying to soothe his girlfriend. 

"my uncles out of town this weekend, which means the house will be empty if you wanna come over" he suggested as he slowly ran his fingers through her hair, "that sounds amazing, not sure if my parents will go for it though, but what they don't know won't hurt them right" she chuckled, "oooh I see we have a bad girl on our hands, chris diaz who would've thought" Adian teased, "oh shush" she quipped back. 

Soon the bell rang and the two made the short journey back inside, "here I'll walk you to your class" Adian offered, Chris nodded and grabbed his hand again. Once they made it just outside the classroom door, he stopped and leaned in for a kiss. Chris immediately pressed her lips onto his quickly, then pulled away, a big grin plastered on both her and Adians faces.

Little did they know, Harley was watching, she happened to be turning the corner right as the couple kissed. Her heart dropped when she saw her twin and her crush locking lips, she knew she had to talk to Chris about this, or maybe she could find a way to get her way after all, I mean the two used to switch places all the time, so this wouldn't be any different. With that Harley walked to class, a big smirk painted on her face while she plotted a way to get adians affection

A/N: damn I have not updated this in literally 11 months?? if anyone's still reading it, then this chapter is dedicated to you guys, hope you enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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