Chp 2

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The Lunch bell rang for lunch, causing Chris to smile because right now she was in math class and couldn't be more bored. The young diaz girl made her way to the lunch room, where she was met with her best friend Avery, "Hey Av, how are you doing" the girl asked as she took a seat next to her friend, "I'm fine" the blonde sighed.

All of a sudden a visibly angry Harley stormed up to the table and slammed down her books. "Geez Harls, what's got you acting all she hulk?" her sister asked. "There's this new boy in my science class and he would'nt stop drumming on his fucking desk while we were taking a pop quiz, and i was so distracted by him that I failed my quiz! You know I never fail  my science quizzes'' Harley sighed, trying to calm herself down. "Damn I'm sorry harls, who was this guy anyways?" Avery asked. "I don't know his name but he's standing right there" Harley said as she pointed to the very boy Chris had run into this morning.

"Oh" Chris mumbled, hoping nobody had heard her. "Oh? What's that supposed to mean? '' Harley asked, "I know that guy, I ran into him in the hallway this morning, he seemed nice, '' Chris shrugged. "Well he's a true pest '' Harley responded. "Whatever" Chris whispered to herself, knowing that most times Harley can overreact. The three then continued to eat their lunch in silence, Chris occasionally glancing at aidan.

When the diaz children finally arrived home, harley went into her invention lair and chris went outback to continue her painting. Just as she was about to finish a small ball hit her in the head, causing her to fall down. "Shit are you ok" a familiar voice asked her, "Aidan" the dazed girl asked. "Chris? Huh didn't know we were neighbors' ' he chuckles, then reaches to help Chris up. "Me neither" she smiled, "I'm so sorry I was practicing for lacrosse and threw the ball too high and you can guess what happened next" aidan said, letting out a small laugh at the last part. "Now worries, I'm just happy it didn't ruin my painting" Chris responded, relieved.

"Wanna come inside, I need to get an ice pack" she said as she made her way to the sliding glass door. "Sure!" he agreed, when the two walked into the kitchen they were met with the face of Chris's twin, harley. "Chris what is he doing here?" Harley asked, glaring at aidan. "Wait, you're her sister?" Aidan asked, shocked. "Yeah we're identical twins idiot how didn't you notice" Harley yelled back, "Harls stop yelling please my head hurts because I tripped and fell on one of daphne's toys" chris said, as she went and retrieved an ice pack and some advice.

Chris could feel the tension in the air, she could tell that the two absolutely despised each other. Eventually she grabbed the boys hand and pulled him out into the backyard. "Wow didn't know you and my sister hated each other that much" she chuckled nervously. "Yeah, and thanks for not telling her that i was the reason for the headache," he responded, smiling. "Of course, I know how it feels to be on the receiving end of Harley's rage, plus we're friends right?" she said, full of hope. "Friends! you know that would be make you my first friend in marshport" aidan responded.

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