Chp 3

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After a few hours Aidan eventually went back over to his house, him and chris had been talking about life, and she found out that his dad works in japan, so that is why he lives with his aunt. After he left Chris decided it was too late to continue her painting so she put everything away and made her way up to her and Harley's shared room.

"What the fuck, when where you going to tell me you where friends with that pest" harley spit out. "Sorry didn't know i needed to tell you everything, and plus he's not that bad, if you actually got to know him maybe you would be friends with him too" she responded back. "Whatever Chris, just know I'm putting him on the dead to Diaz list, so you can know longer hang out with him," Harley responded to her sister.

Chris could not believe this, she hated the dead to diaz list, it was a stupid list where each family memeber could put one person that they hated the most on that list and no one in the family was allowed to interact with them anymore. "Really Harley? Why do you have to be such a bitch sometimes ''Chris yelled back at her twin. "Whatever, I'm still doing it" Harley scoffed then pushed past her sister.

Chris couldn't believe how childish her sister could be, but what was making her more upset is that she was really starting to like Aidan and didn't want to give up the friendship. Thats when she decided to say "fuck it" to the list and defy harley and hang out with aidan anyways. All of a sudden her phone buzzed, when she checked who it was from, she smiled, because it was from aidan.

Aidan 🥍 : Hey are you ok? How's your head?

Chris 🎨 : i'm fine, harley and i got into a fight because she's mad I'm hanging out with you

Aidan 🥍 : Just ignore her, wanna do something later?

Chris 🎨 : sure maybe at night when harleys asleep, sorry we have to kind sneak around :/

Aidan 🥍 : it's ok you're worth it

Chris 🎨 : Thanks :) I gotta go see you around 11?

Aidan 🥍 : See you then :)

Chris couldn't stop blushing at the conversation that her and Aidan just had. Was she falling for him already? Little did she know that Aidan was feeling the same way she was feeling at this moment.

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