Chp 4

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It was almost 11pm and all of the diaz family was sound asleep in their beds. Well not all of them, Chris was the only one up, and right now she was creeping out of the bathroom window, so she could meet aidan.

After she successfully made her way out of the house, she waited out front. "Hey" a voice whispered, this scared the living shit out of her at first, but then she realized that voice belonged to aidan. "You scared me" she giggled, as she playfully punched his arm. "Not my fault you're a scaredy cat" he laughs. "So where are we going?" Aidan asked, "Well I was thinking we could go stargazing?" she suggested. "Sounds fun" the boy responded. The two walked in a comfortable silence, just enjoying eachothers company.

When they arrived, the two layed back on the grass, "So chris tell me what this "dead to diaz" list is" he asked, confused. "It's so stupid, it's a list of people that our family hates, each persons allowed to choose one person" Chris sighed, irritated that the list existed. "Wow that sounds interesting" he responded, "Yeah but i refuse to follow it or put anyone on it" the girl said.

"I'm happy we can still hang out, because I would be sad if we couldn't, " Aidan told the girl. "I'm sorry we have to sneak around just to hang out, but it's ok" she responded. All of a sudden a cool breeze blew through, causing Chris to start shivering, "Are you cold?" Aidan asked, "Just a little, I should have brought a sweater," she responded. "Here take my sweater I don't need it" he said, as he took off his hoodie. "No aidan I really can't," Chris said, denying the boy. "Common I insist" he said, giving her the hoodie, Chris sighed in defeat as she pulled the hoodie over her head.

The hoodie was a little big for her, but was super cosy and had the faint scent of his cologne on it. "Thanks, Aidan," she said, moving closer to the boy and laying her head on his shoulder. "No problem" he responded, putting his arm around her, pulling her close. The two stayed like that till 2 in the morning, just talking about life and how they were going to hide their friendship from harley.

"I think we should head back, you seem to be getting tired," said Aidan, to the sleepy girl. "I'm not tired," she responded. In all honesty Chris didn't want to move, because she was so comfortable cuddled up with Aidan, he gave her a sense of home and belonging. "You were literally asleep 30 seconds ago" he laughed, as he helped the girl. "It's not my fault you and your hoodie are comfortable" she mumbled.

When the two arrived at the Diaz household, Aidan made sure to help Chris climb back up to the window. "Thank you aidan, shit!, here's your hoodie" chris whispered, "No problem and keep it" aidan smiled up at the girl. "See you tomorrow" she said, then closed the window and tip-toed back into her room, lucky for her, Harley was a heavy sleeper , so she didn't have to worry about Harley waking up. Chris quickly climbed into bed, constantly replaying tonight's events in her head. Everytime she thought of aidan, a sort of fluttery feeling would appear in her stomach. "Do I like him? no , I just met him ''Chris thought to herself.

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