Chp 1

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Christine, Chris, Diaz were the middle of the 8 kids. The family of 10 was extremely close, each kid had what they called " a sibling best friend", for Chris it was her twin Harley. The two did everything together, they were always attached at the hip, the one thing they didn't have in common was their hobbies. Harley was more into science and inventing and Chris was more into the arts. The two were each other's best friends, that was until a new kid moved into the house next door.

"Chris where are you!" Harley yelled running around the house. "I'm out back" she responds, Chris was currently working on a painting and the only place she could get "peace" was outdoors. "What is it, Harley?" Chris turned around, facing her sister, "it's almost time to go to school" she said, dumbfounded that her sister forgot about school. "Shit" she mumbled, as she quickly ran past her sister, so she could change her clothes.

"Kids where the bus is here you better be ready" there mom yelled up the stairs, "Coming mom!" the kids yelled back. The kids quickly ran down the stairs, grabbed their backpacks and made their way out the door and onto the bus.

When the diaz children arrived at school they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. "Harls I'll see you later I have to go to the art room" Chris said, then headed towards the west end of the school. On her way to the art room she was so focused on making her way there that she didn't see where she was going and bumped face first into someone's chest, this caused her to drop her sketches.

"Shit I'm so sorry, I should've watched where I was going," Chris said, crouching down to pick up her drawings. "It's ok," the stranger said, leaning down to help her pick them up. "I'm Chris by the way" she said, as she stood up again, "Aidan" the stranger said as he stretched his arm out for her to shake it. "Did you draw these? They're absolutely amazing" he completed the girl. "Uh thanks" she mumbled, "Are you new here I've never seen you around" Chris questioned the curly haired boy.

" Yeah, I just moved in with my cousin" he responded. "Thats cool, well I have to go to class but I'll see you around" the brunette responded, then waved goodbye to the boy. Finally she was able to make it to the art room, "Ms.Diaz I see you early as always" the teacher greeted. "Hey Mrs.Green, of course you know this is my favorite class" Chris giggled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: This is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Also this story will be more focused on Chris and Harley so I may not mention the other siblings as often! Please let me know if any feedback that you have!

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