Chp 5

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"So Chris where were you last night? '' Georgie asks,as she walks into the bathroom. "Um I was in bed" Chris chuckled, trying to hide the truth. "Then why did I see you with our neighbor?" she said, raising her eyebrow. "Fine I was with Aidan, but you can't tell Harley '' Chris said sternly.

"I promise, and by the way you guys are cute together, you know" the older sister jokes, "Georgie we're not together '' Chris states. "Not yet but I can tell you like him" she jokes, "whatever '' Chris responds and with that the young diaz girl made her way out of the bathroom and downstairs to get breakfast.

"You look happy this morning Chris, are you feeling well" her mom jokes, feeling her forehead. "I'm fine mom, just really happy" she blushes,thinking about aidan. "Anyways breakfast is to go because we got to get to school" her mom said.

Soon all of the diaz kids came running down the stairs, grabbed their lunches and made their way to the car. When the kids arrived at school they all spread out, "Chris ready to go to our lockers?" Harley asked. "Um I have to go to the art room, but I'll meet you at lunch" Chris said as she quickly walked away from her twin.

"Hey Aidan, I had a lot of fun with you last night," Chris said, making eye contact with Peter's boy. "Me too chris, there's just something I forgot to do" he responded, "and what was that?" she asked, before she could continue the sentence she felt a pair of lips on hers, butterflies erupted in her stomach, as she melted into the kiss. "Wow aidan, that was amazing" she blushed.

" Christine Diaz, will you be my girlfriend?" the boy asked, hopeful that she would say yes. "Aidan I'd love to be your girlfriend, we just need to hide it from Harley, because she'll rip our heads off if she finds out" Chris chuckled. The boy laughed, and shook his head in agreement.

"Now may I walk my girlfriend class?" aidan asked, as he intertwined his and Chris's hands. "Yes you may my very cute boyfriend" she giggled, then the two made their way down the hall. "Well this is my stop, I'll see you at lunch, meet me under the bleachers?" Chris said, as she quickly kissed Aidan goodbye and walked into class.

"So when did you and Aidan get together?" Avery asked, as Chris took the seat next to her. "He actually just asked me a few minutes ago" the young Diaz blushed, "Does Harley know about you two?" the blonde asked. "No and she's not going to find out, ok?" Chris said, giving her friend a you better not say anything look. "Hey i won't say anything i promise, but for the record you two make a very cute couple" Avery said to her best friend. "Thanks," Chris blushed, slowly counting down the minutes until she could see adian again.

The update everyone's been waiting for haha. Anyways sorry for being so ia , I just lost my interest in josh but now I'm back and ready to continue writing! Hope you liked the chapter

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