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"Right then, Evie, I'll be back by evening." I say to Evelyn.

She comes up to me and gives me a side hug, "Alright," She smiles, "Be safe, Ed." She says softly.

I return her smile, "I will. Let me just check on mum and dad before I leave."

Evelyn nods.

I walk up to my parents room. We lived in a small building, in a small flat, with two tiny rooms in it and small toilet. Since I was the only one who earned a living in the house, this was all I could afford with being a laborer.

I knock on their door gently.

"Come in." My dad says. I enter and see my mum laying down on the bed with the blanket on top off her. My mum is a paralysis patient. She got a stroke, two years back which paralyzed the complete left side of her body. My dad being the loving husband he is, retired so that he could take care of my mum.

My dad was reading a book sitting on the chair.

"Hi dad, Hi mum. I'm just going to get some groceries, I'll be back an hour or so. Alright?" I smile at my dad.

My dad looks up and smiles, "Okay. Don't forget to pick up your mum's medicines."

I nod and I go up to my mum and kiss her on the forehead, smiling, "Love you, mum." She couldn't talk as well. Whilst knowing it was due to her being paralyzed, it still made me feel heartbroken, not being able to listen to your mum's voice.

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I wipe it off and say to my dad, "Love you."

"Love you, too." He says.

I exit the room and leave the house.

Although, these past two years had been very hard for us, due to my mum getting paralyzed. Evelyn was by our side, helping all of us, especially my mum, through it all.



I filled the pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. As I was was waiting for the water to boil, someone knocked on the front door.

I went to open the door to see my neighbor, Lizzy standing with a jar in her hand.

"Hello, Lizzy. How are you doing?" I ask her with a smile.

"Hello, Evelyn. I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?" Lizzy smiles.

"I'm good, thank you for asking. What brings you here?" I ask her.

"Oh, I just wanted to give you this jar of cookies that I made myself. I made loads so I thought I'll give you some." She says excitingly.

"Aww, thank you, Lizzy. That's very kind of you," Then as if I had completely forgotten that we were standing, I invited her in. "Oh my, forgive me. I completely forgot to invite you in. Come on in."

Lizzy smiled widely.


"Okay, goodbye, Lizzy. See you soon." As soon as I shut the front door, I go to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

But my steps come to a halt before I could reach the kitchen which was right next to Ed and I's room. My eyes go wide open as I see endless amount of smoke around me and see the fire coming out of the kitchen.

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